Chapter 6

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We finally got home and I went straight up to my room and fall asleep

A week has passed since I met Eric and Pam and he is all I can think about and I don't know why but I know that I can't let myself fall for him

Today Eric asked sookie to go to fangtasia to talk about something and she wants me to come along I told her no and she is now making me so I'm currently getting ready

Today Eric asked sookie to go to fangtasia to talk about something and she wants me to come along I told her no and she is now making me so I'm currently getting ready

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I head downstairs to see sookie in the kitchen

Angelena:are you ready to go?

Sookie:yes, bill will meet us there


Gran:angel for sookie's sake I want you to try to be nice to bill ok? He's a nice fellow

Angelena:ok gran

Me and sookie leave and get into my car and I speed to fangtasia

We get out the car with sookie complaining

Sookie:you weren't even going the speed limit you went to fast

Angelena:are you done?



We head inside to see bill already there talking to Eric and Pam

Eric:ms.stackhouse always a pleasure to talk with you thank you for coming

Sookie:what do you want Eric?

Eric:the sheriff of Texas is missing and I want your help to find him since you have that power of yours

Angelena:what makes you think she would help you?

Eric:because gorgeous, she knows it's the right thing to do

Sookie:I'll help

Eric:see she'll help

I just roll my eyes

Angelena:hello Pam

Pam:hey Lena

Sookie:since when are you and Pam friends?

Angelena:since a week ago she's my new bestfriend

Sookie:I don't think you should be friends with a vampire if I were you I wouldn't be friends with her at all

Angelena:well your not me you don't get a say in who I'm friends with or not so just be quiet

Bill:angelena be nice to your sister

Angelena:stay out of our conversation Compton this has nothing to do with you!


Angelena:sookie don't start

Eric:-clears throat- angel I need to speak to you

Angelena:no!, come on sookie let's go now!

I storm out of the place and get into my car 2 minutes later sookie gets in the car and I pull out of the car lot and speed home


So that is this chapter.


More will come soon.


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