Chapter - 30

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Third Person’s POV
Pritika was coming out of the washroom when she heard a group of women were talking about Adesh. Hearing Adesh’s name her footsteps paused.
The women were talking how handsome Adesh is, How he looks good with Natasha. How they used to be a sweet couple. They even said that Adesh has married with Pritika because of some business deal. In that deal he have to marry with a woman who isn’t from a business family.  So he married with Pritika for the business deal and this is a contact marriage. Adesh will divorced Pritika after one year and He will marry Natasha afterwards.
They were talking more but Pritika didn’t stay there anymore, listening half of their conversation she left from there.
After she left that place, two woman in gown came out from the corner of the corridor, hi-five with each other and gave each other a smug smile.
Adesh’s POV
After Pritika came back from the washroom, I noticed the change of her behaviour. This time again she started to ignore me but this time it was very obvious. I can clearly see that this time she is angry. But why? What happened in the washroom that she became so angry. I didn’t do anything… why is she behaving with me like this? What did I do?
ADESH : are you angry with me  ? (Whispered beside her ear)
She said no but I can feel the answer is yes.
ADESH : Why are you angry with me?
PRITIKA : I said no… right? Then why are you asking again? Have you done anything?
I kept quiet. No I didn’t do anything, but she has never talked with me so roughly. Something has happened… but what? If she doesn’t tell me then how will I know? I have to talk with her after returning home.
Third Person’s POV
Pritika was taking two bowl of mushroom soups when Natasha approach her.
NATASHA : Don’t you know?
Pritika gave a confused look.
NATASHA : why are you looking at me so confusingly… don’t you know? Adesh is allergic to Mushroom. Why are taking mushroom soup for him? You’re his wife and You don’t even know this small information?
PRITIKA : who said this is for Adesh? This is for Tanvi di and me.
Pritika was about to go back her seat when she looked back and said…
PRITIKA : And one more thing.. Adesh is my husband… I am there to care for her. You don’t have to care.
Said this with  attitude and left the from there… Natasha was standing there fuming in anger.
“How dare she to talk back with me like that! Her husband! Huuh… not for a long time. I will not let her enjoy this identity for a long time. That’s mine… Adesh is mine” – Natasha was thinking all this in her mind.
Pritika went back to her seat where Tanvi, Rahul, Adesh and some of their friends were sitting. She joined them and talked with them happily except with Adesh. Adesh was very confused and he was little angry also. He didn’t understand what was his fault? What has he done?
After spending some time with everyone they returned back home.
They didn’t talked with each other through out the journey. After entering into the car Pritika closed her eyes, so Adesh understood she doesn’t want to talk… so he also didn’t start any conversation.

At home in Adesh and Pritika’s room…
Pritika and Adesh have already changed their dresses.
Pritika was doing everything with force. If she keeping anything from one place to another place, she was doing it with force making a sound. Whenever she was closing the door of washroom or door of any cupboard she was doing it with force making a thud sounds.
Adesh was sitting on a sofa with his laptop but his all focus was on Pritika. He was quietly observing Pritika.
Pritika’s POV
Look he is just sitting there like a king. I am showing him by making so much sounds that I am angry but no… he is not moving at all. Not even trying to know the reason of my anger.
‘really Pritika! Did you forget? He has asked you. You answered him no.. You are not angry.’- mind said
so what? Every wife always answers like that. Husbands have to understand why their wife is angry.
‘bah! By the way why are you angry? Because I didn’t find any reason.’
Yeah right! Why am I angry?
‘You yourself don’t know why  you are  angry and you want Adesh to understand. Bah bah!’
Shut up! You don’t have to think. I want to be angry… that’s it. I am angry with him because….because… why was he talking with the Natasha so smilingly? Why did he used to find her attractive? And his marriage was also fixed with that Natasha. How many marriage did he had fixed? First Tanvi, now Natasha… was he planning to marry with every woman in this world!!!
‘You are being childish.’
Fine… you don’t have to care.
Third Person’s POV
ADESH : The door isn’t me… I am here. Don’t vent your anger on that poor lifeless things.
Pritika pouted her face. Pulling Pritika's hand Adesh made Pritika sat on his lap… circling his arms around Pritika’s waist, he tightly held Pritika near him. Pritika's face become little red because of their posture.
ADESH : Now tell me why are you angry? I think I have given you enough time to vent your anger on all this poor things. Now tell me… what happened!
Hearing Adesh's words she remembered she was angry with him, so she again made a angry face and she  first told him everything about what she had heard near the washroom.
ADESH : Pritika, no… that’s not –
Adesh got panicked… he thought Pritika has believed all that. So he was going to explain when Pritika stopped him.
PRITIKA : I know our marriage is not a deal. Dadi (Bandana) has recently told me everything.
Adesh looked at Pritika with knitted eyebrows. He was not sure what that everything means because there was many things which Pritika doesn’t know. So he couldn’t tell anything as he didn’t know what that everything was.
PRITIKA : Dadi has told me why our marriage was fixed. It was your grandparents who liked me for you. So don’t worry I didn’t believe in their words. After living in this family I can say you guys are not like that. You will not do such thing.
Adesh smiled but then he again made frowning face…
ADESH : Then why are you angry?
Pritika told him why he is angry… she was angry because Adesh finds Nathasha attractive, and he even talked with her so smilingly.
ADESH : what?? Who said You I find her attractive? And I had talked with her smilingly because she is my mother’s friend's daughter. They are our family friends.. So I have to talk with her properly no?
PRITIKA : But Rahul bhai said she isn’t friend-
ADESH : was it Rahul, who said I find her attractive?
Pritika nodded her head in positive.
ADESH : That Rahul!!! He has made a joke with you… he made you fool… idiot! You believed that idiot and ignored me. I will not spare him.
PRITIKA : but she knows you have allergies on Mushroom but You didn’t tell me.
ADESH : I have no allergies. Once I had gotten ill eating mushroom but that was not a allergic reaction. Don’t worry dear wifey… you know my everything and you are also the one who has seen me completely naked so don’t be jealous.
PRITIKA : I am not jealous.
ADESH : hmm I can see that…
Said this he started kissing on back of Pritika’s neck.
ADESH : You have tortured me all evening, now it’s my time to give you some sweet torture.
Saying this Adesh captured Pritika’s lips. The temperature of the room increase with their closeness. All anger, huff melted in passion of love.

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