Chapter 2: Shopping For Bear Traps

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Hope's POV:

When we get back to Nancy's house I quickly 'chat' with her parents and they tell me that, since I'm an 'old friend's daughter', I can stay in the guest room for the duration of my stay. I thank them and follow Nancy and Johnathan upstairs.

"Uh, do you have any clothes I could borrow. I don't necessarily look like I belong in 1983." I explain, crossing my arms over my chest. "Uh, yeah, sure. Here." Nancy says, handing me a set of PJs and another pile of clothes.

"The other clothes are for tomorrow. You can shower first." She tells me. I nod. "Thank you. For everything." I say. "No, thank you. Seriously. You don't have to help us, but you are. So thank you." I nod, giving her a tight lipped smile, before exiting the room.

I quickly shower and change, exiting the bathroom to let Nancy have. "Hey, I'm-" Nancy is crying into Johnathan's shoulder again. I walk into the squat in front of her. I make a butterfly with my hands. Both of them look at me, confused. "Papilio lux." I mutter.

A golden butterfly flies forth from my hands and wraps around the pair. I instantly see the two of them relax. "What was that?" Nancy asks, eyes wide in wonder "It's a comfort spell. My aunt taught me when I was younger. It's handy." I say, shrugging. She smiles slightly.

"You really are a witch." I chuckle. "Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go and get some sleep. Goodnight." "Goodnight Hope." They both say. With that I exit the room, heading to the guest room. It's small, but cute and homey looking.

I sit on the bed and take a deep breath, finally letting today's events hit me. My heart speeds up and I start to shake as tears come to my eyes. I'm more lost now than I was when I was in Malivore. I draw my knees up to my chest and just cry.

For the first time since I got trapped in Malivore, I cry. My whole body is shaking it is wracked with sobs. I don't know if I can ever go back to my time. I don't even know if I'm in the same universe. If I'm not I might not ever get the chance to go home. I'm alone.

I don't sleep that night. I cry until I can't cry anymore and when I can't cry anymore I curl up on the bed and hold myself, trying not to think about my predicament. How did things actually get worse? Soon the sun is rising and I'm exhausted from lack of sleep.

I jump slightly when there's a knock on the door. "Hope, sweetie. I made pancakes if you want any. Just come on down when you're ready." Mrs. Wheeler calls through the door. I hear her footsteps recede and her bang on Nancy's door before going down stairs.

I stand and quickly change into the set of clothes that Nancy gave me

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I stand and quickly change into the set of clothes that Nancy gave me. It's not too bad, but I'll need to get my own clothes that are more my style. Just some jeans, a pink sweater and some white sneakers. Thank God Nancy and I wear the same shoe size. I quickly change.

Checking myself over in the mirror, I leave my room and walk over to Nancy's room. I knock. "It's me." I call. "Come in." I heather tell me. Both her and Johnathan are sitting on her bed fully dressed. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask, taking a seat. "We have to sneak out my window."

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?" "Yep, come on." The two of them head for the window. I sigh. "You know, I'm not even gonna ask why we're going out the window." I mutter. The three of us quickly climb through. Once we're on the grass we all walk to Johnathan's car.

"So, wanna tell me where we're going?" I ask them. "To get supplies." I leave the questioning there. When we get to the store Nancy starts filling the basket with gasoline, matches, a mallet, huge ass nails, and even a bear trap. The guy at the register looks at us like w'ere insane.

"And uh, four boxes of 38s." Johnathan tells him. He gab the rounds and places them on the counter. "What are you kids doing with all of this?" He asks us. The three of us exchange a look and I shrug, turning to the man. "Monster hunting." I say truthfully.

He just shrugs and rings us up. Nancy pays and we head out to the car. "Monster hunting?" Johnathan asks me. I shrug. "No offense, but you humans will believe anything but the truth if the truth is crazy enough." He chuckles at this. Nancy has a far off look on her face.

She's deep in thought and she's reminiscing by the smile that is on her face. "You know, last week I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like. It took me and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? And now-"

"You're shopping for bear traps with Johnathan Byers." Johnathan chuckles. "Yeah." She mutters. "What's the weirded part? Me or the bear trap?" He asks. I wonder why he says it like that? I guess they might not be in the same social circle at school.

I guess it could be like the factions at the Salvatore School. I mean, the werewolves and vamps don't mix, and all the witches are bitches, but I've never been to a normal school. I don't know what that's like. "You. Definitely you." She grins. Suddenly a car drives past and honks at us.

"Hey Nance, can't wait to see your movie." The guy in it teases while also winking at me in the process. I curl my lip in disgust. "What the hell was that?" I ask. "I don't know." Nancy says, walking forward slightly. She then whips around. "What?" Johnathan asks. Nancy then takes off.

"Where are you going?" Johnathan and I quickly follow after her. What did that guy mean and where is she going? I have a feeling that this won't end well.

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