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July 2nd, 1985

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July 2nd, 1985

AVEN HAD BEEN INSTRUCTED TO go straight towards the loading bay, where the other three would be waiting for her. Apparently, they'd recruited Erica Sinclair to decrease their chances of getting caught. When Aven finally made it, running down the road whilst being careful not to slip on the puddle-covered ground, she noticed the others had disappeared. She looked around frantically until she heard her name being called elsewhere. 

"Aven! Come down here!" It was Steve. Leaning over the low wall they'd been hiding behind only days ago, she saw Robin, Dustin, Erica and Steve standing before the box-filled room they'd seen earlier, desperately waving her down. She instantly clicked on and made her way towards the once Russian filled area.

"Erica shouldn't be here guys, why couldn't we just do it?" Aven whisper-yelled as she ran down the small ramp, looking pointedly at the smaller girl who had a headlight attached to her forehead. "This is technically-"

"Child endangerment," Dustin sighed, rolling his eyes as he moved away from the group, towards the box-filled room behind him.

"We know. Erica's kindly reminded us at least," Steve counted his fingers with a sarcastic smile, "yeah, at least six times."

"Well, it's true. I could be doing better things with my life, not hanging out with you nerds." She stalked after Dustin without a look back, Aven widening her eyes at Robin upon hearing her sassy retort.

"Hey, I am not a nerd!" Steve shouted as he chased after the girl, fire practically spurting out of his ears and nose. Aven had to choke back her laughter upon hearing his sudden rage, sending Robin one last glance before following after the others and entering the plain looking room.

"Close the door," Steve told Dustin as he pulled out a pocket knife, Aven jumping back with surprise.

"Why do you have that?" She whispered worriedly, cautiously taking a step forwards to reclaim her spot beside the boy. 

"Because we live in Hawkins," he answered with a shrug, beginning to cut away at one of the boxes in front of the small group.

"Shouldn't that be a reason not to have one?" Erica questioned sarcastically whilst she dragged a box from the floor over to the table, standing on it with an annoyed sigh. Dustin, Steve and Aven all shared nervous looks before turning back to expectantly watching the box with a cough. Robin, who was watching from the side, furrowed her brows at their reactions, but chose to ignore it for a while.

Steve ended up opening the box to reveal another box, however, the smaller one was metal. He twisted the latch at the top and slowly moved it away as everyone moved to peer inside, only to see four more latches. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now