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The temple of Monaris and Panirus; the Gods of the Suns. Two brothers, always together, side-by-side. In a clearing of trees within the Perneah Woods, the temple stood. Built of grey stone cloaked in moss, it was hard to find if you didn't already know where to look. Each side of the temple was decorated with golden glass windows, the kind that was impossible to see through; the kind that was impossible to break through.

While the temple had stood for thousands of years, honouring the Brothers of the Suns, it had been locked shut for longer than anyone could remember. The thick wooden doors were impenetrable; the golden windows unbreakable. The inside of the temple had not seen a visitor in a very, very long time.

The exterior, however, was not as solitary. It was surrounded on all sides by tall trees of dark brown bark and dark green cordate leaves to match, one even audacious enough to grow right through the western wing; and even that hole in the roof was shielded completely by branches, unyielding to trespassers.

Laying beneath those audacious branches, Ryla squinted up through the foliage at the two suns that hung high in the sky. The world was vast, full of so many people and creatures. Staring up at the sky, she wondered if she'd ever be able to meet any of them. The thought made her feel small and insignificant, but also excited.

At the crack of a twig, she pushed herself up onto her forearms to look toward the direction of the sound. Seconds later, a familiar face was looking up at her. Sun-kissed skin, pale blue eyes, braided dirty blonde hair; Myricha was the image of summer.

"How long are you going to stay up there?" Myricha called up to her.

Ryla gave a dramatic shrug as she said, "As long as it takes."

"As long as what takes?" Myricha threw her hands up into the air, her voice already exasperated. "You're not even doing anything."

Ryla grinned at her friend's response. "I'm care-taking."

"You're full of shit, that's what you are." A laugh burst out of Ryla as she watched Myricha shake her head, hands on her hips. After a minute or so, Myricha rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Alright, If you're not going to come down, I'm coming up."

Ryla laughed again as her friend disappeared from view, only to reappear moments later. Now on the roof herself, Myricha crawled across on her hands and knees, her fear of heights ever-present. "Finally." Ryla smirked once her company was seated beside her.

"Shut up. You know how much I hate it up here."

"Yet you still come up every time. I guess I'm more important than your irrational fear."

"Don't be stupid," Myricha frowned, "Of course you are. And for your information, it's completely rational."

Ryla couldn't help her teasing laugh as she bumped her shoulder against her friend's. "So, why the visit? Not that I'm complaining."

"You spend all your time up here, so I hardly get to see you anymore."

"Being here is quite literally my job."

"That's such a load of crap, Ryla, and you know it."

Ryla shrugged as she leaned back on her hands, eyes trained toward the treeline ahead of them. "At least I have something. Even if it's just looking after this place."

"Nobody ever even comes here."

"That's because no one can get in."

Myricha shot Ryla with a glare before saying, "The village leader's basically just paying you to stay away from other potential jobs."

"Because I'm so good at all of them. Other people need jobs, too, Myr." Ryla laughed.

Myricha's face turned serious as she met Ryla's eyes, her voice deadly calm as she said, "No, it's because you're a menace."

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