Chapter Seventeen~ Blue Wings

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Callie's POV

"Hayden can you please bring me Stephanie's bottle," I sigh sitting down with a crying baby in my arms.

"Yea mom," he says rushing to the kitchen. He was seven years old now. He had two twin brothers that were five, a three year old brother, and now a five month old little sister.

"Tyler! Get off of the table!" I yell at my three year old. He did not like listening and instead stuff his tongue out at me.

"Tyler listen to your mother," Issac growls coming into the living room. Tyler is off the table with a huff as he continues playing Superman with the twins.

"Here mom," Hayden smiles handing me her bottle. I smile at him popping it into her mouth.

"Have you decided what you want to do for your birthday?" I ask Hayden. He nods but doesn't look at me, "what is it?" I ask him.

"Maybe I should just tell dad," he says.

"What is it Hayden?" Zander asks taking a seat next to me.

Hayden's eyes cloud over and so do Zander's and I know they are mind linking. I glare at zander waiting on him to tell me.

"Tell me," I push.

"How about we watch the bee movie?" Zander says grabbing the remote and changing the subject. I quickly snatch it from his hand waiting on a response.

"Seriously one of you tell me," I say looking between Zander and Hayden. I glance at Issac but he throws his hands up as he plays trains with Tyler and the twins.

"Look baby you can't cry," Zander says scratching the back of his neck.

"I won't cry just tell me," I glare at him.

"He wants to go to the cemetery and put down new flowers," Zander says holding his breath. We haven't gone to the cemetery for a couple months because every time I go it makes me cry.

After the twins were born I ended up getting pregnant before Tyler and I had twin girls. What are the odds right? Well they ended up passing away after my first month. Not only do I have a son buried in that cemetery but also two daughters.

Tears cloud my vision but I wipe them away. They didn't want me to cry but what was I supposed to do? I had lost three children in the span of 8 years.

"It's okay if you don't want to mom," Hayden says sitting next to me.

"No, if that's what you want to do then we will do it," I nod sniffling.

"Can we do blue flowers?" Hayden asked. After burying hunter in a blue coffin I decided to bury the twins in the same metallic blue. We would also place blue or pink flowers in honor of both.

"Of course," I smile at him.

We stood all dressed in blue with blue flowers at the gravestones of my passed babies. I tried to hold back the tears and had managed to do so well until it was my turn. I would place one blue flower in each vase that sat on the babies headstones.

Tears fell freely down my face as I walk to the headstones. I went to the twins first place a flower and kissing their headstones. I walk up to Hunters and place the flower. I kiss his headstone and whisper one last goodbye.

"I love you so much and you'd be so proud of your brother if you were here," I smile at his headstone even though he can't hear me. I pull away walking fast into Issac's arms as Zander held Stephanie.

"It's okay baby. Their safe with each other," Issac whispers to me. That I truly hope. I hope that one day I will join them and get to hold the babies that I never got to. My babies with blue wings.

The End....

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