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— mother-daughter parallels

 PROLOGUE— mother-daughter parallels

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WHEN PEOPLE IMAGINE STARTING A FAMILY, THEY DON'T NORMALLY PICTURE THEMSELVES ALONE IN A HOSPITAL ROOM AS THEY'RE IN LABOR. Harlow certainly didn't. But, there she was, alone in the overly white hospital room. Well, to be fair, she wasn't alone. She was giving birth in the same hospital she worked in, and plenty of her coworkers and friends stopped in to check on her. There was a herd of nurses that stopped in to check on her (it also helped to be someone with the last name Wayne, Harlow liked to call it the VIP special). And she had Alfred and Margaret. So, sure, she wasn't alone persé. Harlow Wayne had the support so many people wished to have, she just found herself looking at the door as if another person was going to walk through them. And it wasn't a hard task, either. Most people expect their partner to trend the north of their child. Keyword on the most people part. Harlow didn't know what to expect, Bruce not showing up was one of the ideas she had. She wished it wouldn't have been the one that came true, but, it was.

And she couldn't help the cards that life dealt her. At least, not this hand.

"Doctor Wayne," Harlow turned her head to look at the sound of the voice, she quickly recognized Margaret's doting tone. "Would you like for me to call Master Bruce again?"

Harlow bit her tongue, staring blankly at the television in front of her. Some part of her wanted to say fuck it, he was the one who decided to not answer his phone the first time. It's his fault. But another part of her needed him there next to her. Needed his hand to hold hers as she felt a contraction coming on, as she went through the motions of bringing their child into the world. She wanted him there to see the birth, hoping that it would stir something in him. Make him see something different in the world. Something to make the world less dark. "He won't answer."

"It isn't like master Bruce to be like this."

"Alfred," Harlow sucked in a quick breath as a contraction hit. "Bruce hasn't been himself for years." Alfred went to speak again, closing his mouth wordlessly. Harlow spoke up again, "You can try calling him, but he's not going to answer. Probably got caught up on patrol, something more important came up."

"There's nothing more important than this, Doctor Wayne," Alfred urged. "You two are having a child, you are in labor. Master Bruce should be here, regardless of anything else going on out there in Gotham. He can patrol any other day, at any other time, but he should be here right now. He needs to be here."

Harlow bit back the tears brimming in her eyes, "I can't do anything to get him here, Alfred."

The older man sighed, taking the seat next to her hospital bed, "You're not alone, Harlow."

"What happened to Doctor Wayne?" Harlow let out a laugh, though mixed with the tears and broken sobs she had been holding off, it sounded a lot less like a laugh and more like a cry of pain. Which, could have been from the contractions or the heartache she was struggling with, but both of which had made her exhausted.

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