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' Hyungiie stwop'

' No way am stopping'

' Jin hyungiee'

' Come and catch me Kookiee' Jin laughed as he saw a five year old Jungkook running behind him with his cute little legs. Six years....a whole six years is going to end after the birth of Jimin.... Time does fly really fast when you are surrounded by your loves ones

Six years before when they announced the birth of Jimin the public was way too shocked...cz no one even knew that their luna was expecting... But Daewoong handled the situation properly.. managing to convince the people that the pregnancy was complicated and they didn't want anyone to find out about their pup until they were born...even the courtiers believed that since they haven't seen their luna for the past few months...when in reality she was busy with Shin hye...even though she executed all her duties properly. Sure..they had to lie to their own people.. but it was necessary for protecting Jimin...for saving his life.

As aforesaid by Shinhye...a year after that..they were blessed with a bundle of happiness...in the form of Nayeon's own child Jungkook... Jungkook was born after Jimin turned one... Even though Nayeon and Daewoong had their own pup now...their love for Jimin never faltered..nor did they make him feel like he was adopted

And as for the rest of the kids there.... Jin and Ji Eun had turned 11 and their wolf started showing...it was revealed that Jin is a beautiful male omega wolf with light brown fur and sky blue eyes...whereas Ji Eun is an alpha with thick black fur and red eyes

His family were too happy to have a male omega...as the number of them were very less. And thrilled to have another female alpha other than Nayeon.

Namjoon and Yoongi are now nine....they have started changing to their wolf form..but their ranks are not known yet.

Jimin is six now....he has started giving small signs of his wolf..but is not ready to transform yet.

And about Jungkook...he looked more of a cute bunny than a wolf. His hyungs loved him to the core specially Jimin..who was thrilled when he saw Nayeon with a baby bump..but Jungkook being the naughty little devil.. always ends up getting scolded for his mischiefs and always drags in Jimin with him...who won't even have any idea of why he was getting scolded along with his little brother.

All through these years.. Eleanor faced many problems..they had another rogue attack... their borders were destroyed...wars were waged but Daewoong and his army faced them courageously.. winning each one of them.. becoming more successful than before. Their friendship with Hyungsik and Jiwon deepened through the years. The previous king and queen  had died...two years ago...they willingly gave their souls to the moon goddess considering the fact that they had lived a long and happy life

Presently Jin had been handed over the job of taking care of a little wolf...as the rest of them were busy... Nayeon and Inna along with Jungjin had gone to Namjoon and Yoongi's competition in their training ground.. Jimin wanted to support his Yoongi and Joonie hyung..so he tagged along with them...and Ji Eun was in the nursery.. helping the lady there with the pups..where as Seunghun and Daewoong were busy with some court meeting.

And now as expected Jin was tired as hell running around the palace with a little ball of fluff chasing him.

' Ok..Kookiee... hyung is tired now... come sit here' Jin said as he plopped down in the middle of the royal garden.

Jungkook giggled as he climbed on top of Jin... lying his head on his hyung's chest...

' Hyungie...am hungwy' Jungkook mumbled

' You little devil....' Jin laughed as he laid down on the grass with the kid on top of him ' Yeonie eomma will come now... let's ask her to make special banana milk for you okk'

In Another Life || Taekook||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ