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Liz narrates

Sofia didn't answer the phone, I assumed it was because she was at the party. Even so, I didn't stop trying. Obviously it didn't work.

I didn't insist anymore, I thought I would see her at school. And that's how it was.

"Sofia, Sofia!" I ran to her. "Hey, what a fart?" Yesterday you weren't at the party, I looked for you to leave but I couldn't find you. Besides, Javier wasn't there either.-

It's just that I went home very early.

"But why didn't you answer me?"

-I fell asleep, I almost never drink and how I had taken a lot, because I fell asleep.-

-Ohhh, well. Hey. Have you seen the video yet?

-What video?-

-I don't know who took it but everyone has it.- It was a video that was recorded where Javier and Sofia were seen kissing (it was when we were with Rosita) -

-It's okay. It was just a kiss and that's it.-

-No, no, no. Wait. I'm I know about kisses, and that's not "just a kiss"- I laughed, and she shook her head while smiling.-

"Liz!" I looked back and Isa was there.

-I'm going! Oh, hello Javier. Good. I leave them.- I said goodbye with my hand and approached Isabela.- Hello, beautiful. Do you feel better already?

-Yes, it was just a headache.-

-That's good.- we walked to the living room, when we entered Pablo looked at Isabela and Natalia looked at me.-

I missed having Gerry's gaze on top of me, and sitting on his legs... I hadn't seen him anymore, he didn't talk to me. I was going to his house but his parents wouldn't let me in.

-Good. Can we start? Today we are going to see a little about Mexican contemporary art. That painting they are seeing there is by Fermín Díaz. But guys, I want to ask you to please turn off your cell phone.-

I took out my phone to put it on silent but I got a message "All your secrets will be revealed in La Nona at 12! Yours too." Suddenly everyone started taking out their phones, they had received the same message as me.

-Really? What's going on? What is this? Is it a game or what? Hey, this is not a game. I just told you to turn off your cell phones.-

-That's good. For assholes, so you can see what it feels like.-

I was in the bathroom getting ready, when I got a call:


-Liz, you can come to the computer room, please.-

-Dale, here I go.-

It was Sofia, who knows what she needed me for.

-It said Freaky Pizza.- I typed Freaky Pizza.-

-Freaky Pizza? Well, I don't think there are many. Come on, there it is.-

-There are three.-

-Maybe something that was around.-

-Look For Scarlet Dry Cleaning.-

-Scarlet tutoring.... Shit, there are four.-

-It's okay. We just have to see which of these dry cleaners is near a pizzeria, ask for the delivery range, build a correlation and a search perimeter. Did you understand? - Javier denied. -

-Liz, you did understand. Isn't it?

-No, don't suck. But how can I help you?

-Singes that to my cell phone.-

I was walking with Isa, but I separated from her because I had to go talk to Sofia about the hacker.

-Pa, have you seen Sofia?-

-Yes, I saw her a while ago, but I don't know where she is.-

-Well, thank you.-

I left his office, I saw a lot of fuss outside so I went there. Javier's dad was there, why? I approached Javier as much as I could and pulled him out of people.


-Liz.. What happened?-

-I'm asking you that. What happened to the hacker?

-Well, Sofia thinks I'm the hacker.-

"Stop, is it clear?" he nodded. "What an asshole, you're new. You have no reason to screw up everyone's life. Even I know that you are not the hacker.-

We started walking to the lockers where Sofia arrived, to avoid a fart I left there. It was quite obvious that Javier was not the hacker. Why would it be? Walking, alone, again. I was on my way to Gerry's house, I was hoping to see him, and that this time his parents wouldn't run me.

I knocked on the door with three small knocks, no one responded until I realized that they were ignoring me, since their parents' cars were there.

It was always the same, in fact, his parents never loved me, only his mom. Well, her father said that I didn't deserve his son, and that because of the way I dressed I looked like a lesbian. That's why I never talked to them, Gerry always went to see me, he didn't like me going to his house. This one always had a very toxic environment, so when he went to see me he ran away from there.

-Good afternoon!- I played again.- Mrs. Gaby! Mr. Gerardo!- No one answered.- Shit.-

And there I saw him, Gerry was walking to his house. As soon as he saw me, he ran to me and hugged me very tightly.

-Liz... Sorry, sorry. - He separated from the hug. - My dad wouldn't let me see you, you know how it is.-

-Don't worry.- I took his hand.- How are you?-

-Bad, I feel bad about what I did.- We sat on the sidewalk.- I wish I could have realized what I was doing.-

-Sometimes we make mistakes... You just have to control yourself when you feel that way. You were upset, anxious and stressed. All that made you act like that.-

-But the bullshit I did is not justified.-

-I know. But it's your decision to change or not.- he shed a tear, I took it off with my finger.- for now don't worry, all in time. I love you, handsome.-

-I to you, beautiful.- he smiled.-

-Tomorrow I will go to the hospital, will you come with me?-

-Yes, I'll pick you up at your house.- I nodded as I got up and shook my pants.- Thank you for coming, Liz.-

-There's no reason, you know I love you.- I kissed him and got on my motorcycle.- Bye handsome!- He said goodbye with his hand and at the same time entered his house.-


Hello, hello!!

Sorry for not uploading cap :(

I was busy and I didn't even read Wattpad

Don't forget to vote ⭐

Btw- I don't know if Gerry's mom's name is Gaby, but it was the name I came up with. If you know, please comment on it!!

Atte- Girl Z

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