Chapter 9

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It was the following Monday ad Vlad, Robin, Chloe and Ingrid were in their school uniforms, eating breakfast.
A short woman, wearing really bright clothes and had her shoulder length, blonde hair down. Amy couldn't help but think that she was related to Chloe and Robin as they looked really similar. The woman was looking at Amy, Ashleigh, Robyn and Lauren.
"Mrs Branuagh, what are you doing here?"the Count asked.
'Mrs Branuagh' threw the four girls some uniforms. The same uniforms that Vlad and Ingrid were wearing.
"They have to go to school. I'll get social services in, if they don't,"she replied.
Vlad threw the girls an apologetic look,"Go and get changed, "he told them.
Ten minutes later, they cae back wearing the uniforms and they had their bags, too.
They soon left the castle with Robin,Chloe, Vlad and Ingrid.
Well, Robin, Chloe and Vlad.
Ingrid was walking ahead of them as she didn't want to be seen with them.

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