Chapter 31

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"How in the seven realms' Abyss did I end up back here?"

The worn carving of the merwoman stared down at Sebastian from her molded wooden sign, declaring her welcome to Tuddle & Totts. A clump of snow fell from the creaking pub's crooked sign and landed in a mushy clump on top of Sebastian's boot.

"An ill omen, indeed."

From behind him, Astrid nudged him in the shoulder. "Remembering our first meeting here with such endearment, I see."

Abel glanced between them. "You two have been here before? Together?"

Sebastian rubbed his sore shoulder, which he swore was still throbbing from the fall he had taken on the training course earlier that morning. Astrid brushed past him, offering Abel a mocking bout of laughter.

"Have no fear, Husky. He wasn't particularly fond of my bombardment." She glanced up at the merwoman and then looked back at Sebastian with a knowing grin. "That is hardly an accurate depiction of such a beast." She scoffed before pushing her way into the pub.

"Regardless," Abel said into the silence left by Astrid's wake, "they serve impeccable mead."

Matthias, who had already half-followed Astrid into the dimly lit bar, said over his shoulder. "You are hardly old enough to know such things, I would imagine."

Abel grumbled, grabbing Sebastian and Melvin both by the sleeve and tugging them along inside. It was still daylight, early enough for the pub to be mostly empty, which was perhaps why Matthias had even entertained Astrid's suggestion after only ten minutes of his typical absolute refusal. Still, a few locals watched their entrance over their pints, eyes widening when they realized who had actually just arrived. Champions. Saviours. Utter nonsense. Astrid waved at a few with flouncy twists of her wrists before Matthias dragged her hood back over her head and shoved her into a secluded section of the pub where a rickety door led to an outdoor patio space.

Well, so much for autonomy.

The wet chill in the air bit into Sebastian's cheeks, but he allowed the door to fall back into place, leaving their odd group in the solitude of the outside.

At least the weather had kept anyone else with common sense indoors. There was a steady patter of rain falling that every now and then would switch over to a light snowfall. Thank the Scribes for the portico protecting the table they had all assembled around.

Melvin, as undeterred as normal, declared, "Lovely afternoon for it, don't you agree?"

The guard's smile was actually genuine.

Sebastian shivered as Astrid pushed back in her chair, kicking her heels up onto the round table. It shook precariously beneath her weight, short as she was. "I told you it would do us wonders to leave the fortress for a bit."

Surprisingly, Abel laughed. "You're hoping Bash's Eilibir blood catches hypothermia out here and kills him off before the next task. Be honest."

"You as well, Husky," she quipped. "Besides, we are not even sure if Sebastian is from Eilibir."

Sebastian's stomach churned at the reminder. "Even if I were from the Eyelesene Glaciers, it would still be cold as death out here."

Astrid and Abel shared a look, which was unnerving simply for the fact that it did not hold even a single ounce of contempt. Still, Sebastian wasn't sure he liked it, and apparently Matthias felt the same because he snapped, "Whatever you two are planning, the answer is no."

"And yet I got you here, didn't I?" Astrid asked sweetly.

"She has a point," Melvin added before sputtering under the weight of Matthias's glare. "Er—captain. Sir. Your excellency—?"

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