Tip Jar

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Hey guys! So I'm trialling a "Tip Jar" idea with Koji. 

Previously, I've thought of creating a Patreon as a way to generate some income for myself while I write, but I never liked the idea of making people pay a subscription, leaving those who can't afford a monthly payment behind. 

While I largely write for myself and my own enjoyment, the point of sharing onto Wattpad is for everyone's enjoyment and inclusivity. I think a Patreon will limit that as well as the amount of feedback I will be able to get via comments etc. 

With a Tip Jar this way readers can control when to give money and how much without the pressure of commitment. Everyone will get exactly the same content and it's up to you to decide if it's worth a tip. 

Why would you pay for something that's already available, you may ask? Well, to support creators like myself and past, present, and future projects. Times are tough and having a little extra income may help me to shift my focus onto writing wild and wonderful plots. 

Having said that, if you are tight and tossing up between contributing or paying for necessities, please show support in other ways. Vote, follow, comment, leave a message on my message board. Any support, whether financial or not is always 100% appreciated. 

I will be looking into other avenues as well. If Koji doesn't work for you, please let me know. It will help me figure out which services will suit you lovely readers. 

Preferably I would use Paypal, but I'm having issues figuring out how to set it up so you don't need a Paypal account to "tip". If anyone is a Paypal aficionado, please let me know! I'm a complete newbie with this stuff and don't know what the hell I'm doing.


I've also set up an Instagram account! The link is also on my profile.
Head on by and check it out. 


Howard xx 

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