iv. TAKEN.

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The group that Isabelle was hurtling herself towards consisted of more Shadowhunters, Bella noted with growing disdain, aside from Magnus. Bella drifted towards the other warlock, only bothering to listen to fragments of Isabelle's conversation with her friends as she informed them of Simon's rat state. The blond boy appeared amused, the raven-haired boy was concerned, and the bright redheaded girl's fury was intensifying by the second.

Magnus arched a delicate brow at Bella. "Interesting company you've kept in my absence."

Bella didn't bother to acknowledge the comment. Instead, she opened her hands, revealing the small rat to Magnus. A flicker of surprise crossed his expression, but it faded quickly. "This was a mundane boy," she said, aware that she likely sounded insane. "Can you fix this?"

"I can," said Magnus simply. A beat passed. "But I won't."

Bella wasn't really surprised. The thing that did shock her was when the redheaded girl hurled herself at Bella, green eyes blazing with unhidden anger. "Give him to me," she snapped, an unspoken threat in her voice.

Bella observed the girl. Unlike the other Shadowhunters, she was not covered in the black Marks, aside from a single fading one. She wasn't wearing an electrum whip as a bracelet, which Bella assumed was a positive sign regarding the state of her burning legs. Still. She didn't find herself liking the ginger girl very much yet. "Who are you?" 

"Who am I?" the girl echoed, genuine surprise crossing her features. "You can't just--"

The blond boy arched slightly in front of the redheaded girl, slinking with catlike grace. Bella's gaze raked over him -- the stereotypical "pretty boy," with blindingly golden locks and a lean yet muscular figure. It was the golden eyes that stood out the most to her, though. It was such an unusual shade, she almost wondered if he was a warlock before she registered the countless Marks scattered across his skin. 

He held out his hand. The gesture itself was simple, but there was an unmistakable edge of demand within the movement. "As much as I lack sympathy for the mundane," he said, "he's with us."

Bella glanced towards Magnus. He seemed unimpressed, but there was a slight terseness to his posture that reminded Bella of before, with the manipulative faeries. With an exhale, Bella placed the nervous rat-boy into the blond's expectant hand. Quickly, he passed it to the redheaded girl, wiping his hands on his black jeans afterwards, as if afraid of catching a disease from the fleeting touch.

The rat huddled in the hollow of the redhead's palms, squeaking sadly. She hugged him to her chest, eyes fluttering shut as she patted his small back, as if he was truly a pet. "Oh, poor baby," she cooed, and Bella rolled her eyes. "Poor Simon, it'll be fine, I promise--"

The blond boy was watching her, expressionless. "I wouldn't feel too sorry for him. That's probably the closest he's ever gotten to second base," he quipped.

"Shut up!" The redhead glared at the blond, her anger practically warming the atmosphere. Still, she loosened her grasp on the rat boy. Quickly, she turned to Magnus. "You have to change him back."

"Let's not be hasty," the blond interjected. "He's cute like that. Look at his little pink nose."

Bella snorted, but the rat bared his yellow teeth at the blond boy, making a snapping motion. 

The redhead's jaw was clenched visibly. "Magnus. You have to turn him back."

Magnus took a few steps forward, leaning over to get a better look at the rat-boy. "Rattus norvegicus," he said. "A common brown rat, nothing exotic."

"I don't care what kind of rat he is," the girl said crossly, "I want him turned back."

Magnus scratched his head, glitter flicking off his sharpened nails as he considered the girl's statement. Eventually, he said, "No point," with an easygoing shrug.

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