124. Infant (Breaking dawn part 2 x child!Reader)

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The covens were surprisingly relaxed around the baby who crawled around on the floor. Some watched you crawl around in amusement. Benjamin kneeled down on one knee so play with you. His smile wide as he tickled you lightly making you smile. As you showed him your toy.
"I didn't know you enjoyed children, Benjamin." Esme smiled warmly.
"How would I not? They're the future."

Benjamin watched you crawl away straight to Garrett.
"Why hello there, such determination, little thing." Garrett grinned as you pulled yourself up to a stand with his knees. He lifted you into his lap, your back against his stomach as you played with his fingers. Your small hands wrapping around a finger each.
Garrett suddenly winced as a few of the vampires laughed throughout the room. "This is... bizarre." Garrett said. You had plunged a cold finger into your mouth.
"I just fed them, surely they aren't hungry." Alice tilted her head.
"Oh no, I feel the problem. You poor little thing." Garrett said.
"What is it?"
"They're teething. I can feel them in the back."
Esme's mouth made an 'oh' shape. "I don't have anything for that. That must have been why they were fussing so much."
"I think the infant found their own solution." Garrett looked down at you. "Just this once okay? Believe it or not, this is disgusting."

After a while you wanted to move on and so Garrett sat you down on the floor and immediately you crawled to your next target.
You made a beeline for Stefan who surprised everyone when he lifted you, standing you on his lap. "Hello, can I help you?"
You leaned forward against his hands with a bashful grin. "I can't say you've approached the best to deal with you, little one."
"That's me. Hand them over." Vladimir reached out taking you from Stefan and sitting you on his lap so that you faced Stefan. You didn't complain and seemed even happier with the attention. You snuggled into Vladimir who immediately cuddled you back, delicately resting his cheek on the top of your head and rocking you both.
"It's peculiar how I am the one that was once a father yet you are the one that enjoys children." Stefan said and Vladimir chuckled. "I can't say I care for children but I'll make an exception for this one."

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