Chapter 25: Ancient Battle

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"Can you believe it?" I said through gritted teeth to Aiden. "For thousands of years we have protected mankind, guarded them, and now the Ladies of Light think that it's okay them." I threw my key to the Divine Library. It clanged against a golden artifact, and a chip of metal soared overhead, reflecting in the soft light.

"Abelie, my love, don't worry," Aiden soothed. "Everything will work out. I promise."

I sat down with a huff. "How can you say that? What is it you think you can do?"

"You know that the Guardians won't let them go through with their plans." He placed his hand over mine.

"Plans?" I snapped. "You mean the mass extermination of mankind? 'Plans' is just not a dirty enough word for what they have in store. How about genocide or massacre or...or needless slaughter?"

He sighed heavily. "I know you're upset, love. We all are, really. How could they make that kind of a decision without conferring with the Halos? Andrew and Ehno are especially angry. Trust me, I hear their thoughts."

"Okay," I bit back, swelling with the deepest of loathing toward the Ladies of Light. "What are the Halos going to do about it? What if the Ladies refuse to back down? You know how powerful they are, how easily they could strike an angel down. Their power sometimes disgusts me. They wear their title on their skin like they're Gods. Haven't we already made that mistake in the past—you know, with the Soul Stalker's brothers? Stupid, worthless fools." I took my hand back and folded my arms.

Aiden stared at me with pure love in his eyes. He knew I was livid, but he knew I still loved him with all my heart. "The Ladies know not to do anything rashly. They'll probably speak to the Prophetess. The Guardians are already planning a meeting." He leaned in closer and put his hand on my arm. "I understand your anger. I'm also enraged."

I deflated some at his words. "Well, you aren't having any sort of meeting without the Elders. Count us in."

He smiled. "I wouldn't think any different."

We were silent for several lengthy seconds. Unfolding my arms, I leaned even closer. "But what if this doesn't work? What if they go ahead with their plans? The humans will be helpless. And what if they fight back?" I cringed at the thought. "I love you, and it will kill me if something happens to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to me."

"You don't know that."

"I do," he said. "We're immortal; we'll never die."

"Never is a word I wouldn't use when it comes to the inevitable fate even us angels possess." I hated how calm he seemed. "Are the Ladies going to be invited to this meeting?"

He looked as though he was deep in thought, but I knew he was communicating telepathically with his brothers. "I suppose it's best they do come." He rubbed his jaw. "Abelie, please don't let this worry you, not until we talk things through and figure this whole ordeal out." He leaned in and cupped my face. His breath was warm on my lips. "No matter what happens, I'll do everything in my power to protect you and to protect mankind."

When I was about to protest the fact I didn't need him to protect me, he closed the distance between our lips. The warm, soft embrace was enough to make me forget about the threat, at least for the moment.


"Quiet!" sounded a booming voice in the crowded theatre. Whispers immediately died down. There was a charge in the room as everyone focused their attention front and center. There was not enough seating for all of the angels; luckily, only a select group of elite was invited. We had not met there in several hundred years, but the Pompeii Odeum was the only place we could find at short notice. It was old but useful.

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