Days apart

163 5 0

Christmas break

(B) *folding jacket* what's this? *opening note*

"Hey if you found this jest keep reading, I doubt you still wanna talk to me but the night of homecoming was a disaster and I'm sorry for everything, the principal caught the guys who did it, the same guys from the cafe date. I'm writing this jest to tell you I'm sorry for everything, dragging you into my drama when I shouldn't have, I would've jest confessed to Tyson the truth but lied to his face and to everyone, I'm truly sorry for everything but not sorry for loving you, I felt like I was falling for you and I hid that because at this dance if that incident didn't happen I was going to ask you out I wanted to be a real couple but jest didn't get the chance to say it. I understood you were angry at the moment and the truth blurted out when you didn't want it too but once Tyson knew the truth he did punch me in the mouth but I deserved it. I guess what I'm getting at is you've changed me and in a good way, I don't feel anything towards women I jest have feelings for you. I hope you can understand, if you wanna get in touch jest pass the message along to Markus. - Julian"

(B) he loves me too

(M) what's going on?

(B) julian left this letter in my jacket after you returned it to me, he confessed everything and what he had been planning to do was ask me to be his real boyfriend

(M) would you have said yes?

(B) yes I would've

(M) but right now all you can do is wait to see him in-person since we're on break and he's all the way in another state from what I heard he was visiting dad's side of family

(B) I guess him and I would work out and we have phones for a reason we can call or text

(M) you blocked him though

(B) I'll unblock him and jest talk to him

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