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The faraway expression on Zander's face made my heart clench with grief. "I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. You don't have to apologize." He responded in an oddly calm manner.

My arm outstretched to soothe him, but it only met empty air as he avoided my touch. Retreating my arm, I whispered, "Thanks for sharing that with me." An affirmative grunt was his only response.

After eating in silence for a while, I muttered, "You asked me about Mari this morning." My gaze focused on my fingers as they picked bits of fluff out of my robe. "Yes, she was the maid that raised me and the one who I abandoned after the trial." With a self-deprecating chuckle, I asked what I already knew the answer to, "Such a faithful friend, am I not?" Lifting my glass to my lips, I gulped down my milk. "I didn't even say goodbye to her. I just left." I sighed. "She must have already served her sentence."

"Would you like to go see her?" Zander asked in a low voice.


A sudden burst of bright light illuminated the doorway, freezing Zander's tongue before he could utter another word.

"What are you guys doing here at this late hour? And why do you look like two kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar?" Benjamin smirked.

"Can't sleep." I deadpanned.

"Okay." The smirk didn't leave his face as he poured himself a glass of water and walked out of the kitchen.


"Oh, that darn mouse!" One of the kitchen staff shouted.

"It came back?" Brigitte asked, her eyes scanning the floor, windows, and every crevice around the room.

The woman pointed at a small patch of crumbs on the kitchen counter. "Look."

Taking hold of two pieces of bread, I walked back to the dining room as my voice trailed behind me. "That's odd."

Behind me, Annie shouted with a mischievous smile that seeped into her voice. "There it is!" A giggle broke through my lips at Bridgitte's responding squeal.

Back in my seat at the table, I cut the breakfast meat on my plate and asked Zander. "So, what do you have planned for today?"

"Paperwork." His answer was as detached as his gaze, which refused to leave the food on his plate.

Is he regretting telling me about his past last night? Does he feel embarrassed, or does the memory torment him still? "I was thinking. Would you like to join me for a picnic this evening? The sunset is even more beautiful if you look at it from the garden." A picnic always cheers me up. Maybe that'll work for him too.

His fork pushed the uneaten potatoes around and around on his plate. "Alright."

"Good morning," Ms. Rose greeted me as she walked through the door and met me in the foyer after breakfast. She pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear. "I heard. I'm so happy for you." Pulling away from the embrace, she added, "Is he here?" I nodded. "If you want, I can come back some other time."

"No, don't worry, he's going to be working in his office today."

Ms. Rose didn't respond as something behind me had caught her attention. With wide eyes, she curtsied. "I'm so pleased to see you in good health, Your Grace. I'm Ms. Rose. I was the madam's teacher."

"Yes, thank you for your great service to my wife." He bowed his head.

With twinkling eyes and a bright smile, she responded, "No need to thank me. It was an honor to assist our duchess with her learning."

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