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Once Taylor had pulled Everest away to talk to him, I lost him. I wanted to talk or- I don't know, thank him. Say something. But with so many eyes on me after the megaphone fiasco and Everest vanishing, it became difficult.

"Aurelie." I mutter by her side as she rolls a joint, "You can feel them, right?"

"Feel what?" She asks absently.

I glance around and then whisper, "The eyeballs."

"You don't need to whisper. We aren't in a horror movie, babe." She quips, packing weed onto the thin paper, "And yes. Everest Jones just got Aster Gomez on his knees for you so deal with it."

"Gomez?" That sounds weirdly familiar.

"The team's striker. Asides from Ev and Taylor, he was one of the best." She says and starts rolling, "He's also a known douchebag. But there's no way Taylor's letting him near the team now."

I shift, still reeling from the whole thing. I can't get Everest's voice out of my head. Low and serious. Or his breath against my neck and his lips at my ear. A lot of people had seen that so now the praying mantises are...mantising. I don't think that's a word. Oh well.

"Don't you think it's odd how Shakespeare can make up a bunch of random words but any ordinary person can't?" I say in thought, "Nobody granted William permission-"

"Violet." She says.


"My brain hurts."

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly, "Just a thought."

Aurelie finishes rolling the joint and pulls out a lighter. Taylor hovers now, even more protective than he was before and she's much more cuddly with him because of her drunkenness. I only had a water and I'm starting to feel the effects of downing it, "Hey. I'm gonna go pee."

"I'll come with you." Aurelie peels herself away from Taylor.

"No, it's fine. I'll be two seconds." I assure her, even though she looks unconvinced, "I don't want to lose you so just stay right here and I'll be back."

"Take your phone. And be careful." Aurelie says sternly and I nod, holding my phone in my hand as I slip away from them and thread through the crowd. As I walk upstairs, I can feel piercing gazes but nobody's confronting or talking to me. All good.

I budge past people gently, even the upper levels packed as I try to navigate towards a toilet. Testing a door, I'm immediately met with someone yelling at me to fuck off and a squealing girl. I flee.

I can't possibly tell what's a toilet and what's a room that people are sexing in. So I just stay away from all the doors that are completely shut, walking around aimlessly. At the end of the hall, I spot a door that's slightly cracked open.

I take a deep breath and walk towards it, praying that it's a bathroom.

Gently pushing open the door, I wait a few seconds and when nobody screams, I peek my head in the door. And then I slam the door shut after spotting Everest's face. Oh god.

Wait. He was alone. It was just my instinct to shut the door because Everest...and sex seems like a given. I'm pretty sure I saw nobody else in the room.

I hear the door creak open but I'm still standing like an idiot with my hands over my eyes. I peek through them and look up at Everest, leaning a shoulder against the doorframe and fighting a smile.

"Unless you were hallucinating, sweetheart, my cock wasn't out." He says casually.

"I knew that. Well, I didn't." I pull my hands down and sigh, "I panicked."

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now