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The whole court gasped horridly ... Judge who was sitting calmly minutes ago was now enraged

Jackson spat the water he was drinking ...because what you were doing currently was too shocking to witness

"Ms. Min, I don't think this is the way to prove your point!" the magistrate yelled at you when he saw you splashing water at your own client's face

This was something unusual in this courtroom, this courtroom never saw such a reckless lawyer who is practically bullying their own client...

"Ms. min, please maintain the decorum of the court!" Judge was continuously giving you warning but you were kind of ignoring him...

Your client gasped with surprise when water was splashed on her face .... you took out the handkerchief from your pocket and wiped her drenched face...

"I'm extremely sorry my lord" you bowed and stood in front of the magistrate

"What was the point of this whole fiasco Ms. min!" annoyance was dripping from the magistrate's tone ...

"My point is clearly visible my lord, if you focus on my clients' face ... " The judge glanced towards the elderly lady whose face was filled with nasty purple briuses ....

"The condition of my client's face depicts that she was assaulted and threatened to take her plea back... " You spoke firmly and joined your hands on the back

"Ms. min is there any evidence that justify your testimony?"  

"Of course, my lord " you smiled lightly and went towards your advocate benches where your best friend was sitting ...

Jackson sat up attentively and opened the folder to take out a small pen drive ... you passed that pen drive to the courtroom deputy ...to play it

"This is the camera footage from the shop which is adjacent to Mrs. Han's house..."

The footage was played ...with a black and grey filter...

An anoymous group of men ...whose faces were hidden ...were abruptly trying to trespass through a metal gate, which was reportedly of Mrs. Han apartment 

Those men forcefully opened the gate while harshly pushing the elderly lady ...

The footage ended with a white noise 

The magistrate had a solemn reaction ...he quietly wrote down his points ...

"I object!" Mr. Seong the lawyer against you spoke ...

"There is no proof of the authenticity of this footage" Mr. Seong countered and glared at you

The magistrate sighed heavily knowing this was a very weak counter ...of course the prosecution has brought the evidence to prove that too...

Jackson chuckled and took out some paper from the previous folder and handed it to you .... you smiled in the direction of that paranoid lawyer and walked towards the courtroom deputy to hand them those reports

"You can verify my lord; this footage is original .... the reports from the videography expert states that" you spoke confidently and looked straight in your opponent's eyes ...

Mr. Seong tensed and sat nervously 

"I would like to conclude here my lord... " Bowing down to the magistrate, you took your seat with Jackson

Jackson nudged you immediately as you sat by his side and winked ...you chuckled and winked him back

Few minute later, when the magistrate was done with examine your evidences and paperwork ...he came on a conclusion

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