Round 3 - Orange Belt: The Sickness

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'Don't touch the paint. Don't touch the paint because the Sickness will torture your soul for eternity.'

We came here because it was another ancient cavern to explore, because a strong desire for adventure in a forbidden, hidden part of the world possessed our souls, because the legend dared us to test its validity.

I tested it. I touched the paint, the symbols. The legend is true.

"Johnny, take a look at this!"

I cough, the echo bouncing off the walls like a tennis ball hitting a racquet. It travels back and forth, back and forth until it hits the limestone hanging from the ceiling. My headache intensifies. "Coming, Ava!"

I grip my knees with dirty, chewed-up hands, doubled over and breathing hard, eyes lowered to the floor of the cave. I spit, a metallic taste in my mouth. It's the Sickness, just as I feared. It has to be.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

That voice again, haunting and dangerous. I started hearing it when I touched the paint at the mouth of the cave, and it's only grown louder. What was once a whisper is now a scream.

I shake my head and grit my teeth before breaking into a run, my booted footsteps heavy as the uneven terrain of the cave closes in around me. Or at least that's what it feels like. I can't hold it back for much longer, whatever "it" is. I need to get to Ava. I need to get to her before I lose possession of myself completely!

"Johnny, hurry up!"

"Almost there!"

My voice sounds more like a growl now, scary and entirely foreign. Something drips out of my nose, traveling quickly to my Cupid's bow. A simple swipe of my tongue stops me in my tracks and I close my eyes, smiling and chuckling like I'm drunk. Blood.


I drop my head again, peering into the darkness in front of me. It's faint, but I can see the light of my sister's torch. She's close. So close...

Too close. No, no, no, no, too close.



"Ava, you need to run." Dammit, the demon is stealing my voice. It's stealing it!


Her voice. It's sweet, innocent like this trip was supposed to be. The Sickness wants to tear it out of her throat, too.

"Ava," I growl, taking slow, heavy steps that threaten to crack the floor. "You have to go. Go, now, and don't-"

I scream so loud it feels like my throat is burning, gripping my head as if to crush it and dropping to my knees in surrender to the pain. I squeeze my eyes shut, the Sickness shrieking in my ears, pulling at my arms to get me to go after Ava.

"Kill! Get up and do it before she gets away!"

A strong wind cuts through the cave, rattling the stalactites. I'm dying, dying, dying...

"Johnny, are you alright?!"

Alarm. There's alarm in her voice now. And it's closer. Why? Why is it closer?!

I pick my head up shakily, my eyes focusing on a pale face with a countenance twisted with fear. Her eyes, black like obsidian, catch the fire from her torch, and suddenly I'm hypnotized.

"Your eyes," she mumbles, extending a trembling finger in my direction as a tear slips down her cheek. "Johnny, your eyes!"

Slowly, I touch my skin, pulling my finger away and studying the crimson surface with a demonic fascination. My vision is better than it has ever been before, rejuvenated by the blood leaking from my eyes, staining them red. I look up at Ava again, a smile etched onto my twitching face. I can't control it anymore. I can't stop it...

And I don't want to.

I rise to my feet, the blood pouring from my eyes falling to the cavern floor, dripping into my half-open mouth. The pain in my head is gone, nonexistent. Ava still stands just a few feet in front of me, her entire body shaking. My eyes skim over her dirty white shirt, the dull belt buckle just above muddied pants, rising again to meet her face and the brunette wisps of hair framing it. She's made her choice. I told her to run, to leave this place and live, but she's stupid and she stayed. Stupid and she stayed...

"What did you do, Ava?" It's not me speaking anymore, it's that voice in my ear. It took my voice and gave me theirs. "What did you do?"

She shakes her head, beginning to back away from. "Johnny-"

"I touched the paint. You're not supposed to touch the paint." I breathe in, the air gurgled. "I think I'm supposed to hunt you now, Ava. I'll give you a sixty-second head start."

She was screaming before I made it to three...and silent when I made it to ninety.

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