Part 2 | the boy in the denim vest

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Your first day of school ended as quickly as it began. Jason led you around showing all the highlights of the school including the gymnasium, the cafeteria and even the choir room.

"Knowing your father is the new music pastor, I assumed you wanted to join the chorus." He chimed, he really was trying to be a welcoming figure. You appreciated his gesture and it made you feel less of a stranger as he introduced you to a lot of the students you'd find on Sundays. His girlfriend, Chrissy, was a sweetheart and immediately pulled you in for a hug when she was introduced.

"Hi, I'm Chrissy! I'm so glad to meet you. I can't wait to get to know you more." she beamed. Her smile radiated and it matched her soft and caring personality she put on display. She seemed like a good friend to hold onto. Mentions of joining the cheerleading squad came up a few times during the day despite your lack of athleticism.

"It's more of a club than a sports team. Don't worry about that. You'll fit right in." They would say. Fit right into Hawkins. That seemed to be the theme of the day. How to "fit right in" at Hawkins High.

What did it mean to not fit in?

Thanks to your transfer of credits, your classes would be easy to adjust to and you'd graduate with flying colors. These last few months were purely about enjoying it while it lasted.

The boy you spoke with earlier, Eddie, was in your Science class. When you saw him, you perked up and went to sit next to him. He noticed you and immediately resorted to avoiding you. He moved to a single chair in the back and avoided eye contact.

It was hard to ignore the slight pang in your chest of being rejected. You didn't know why it hurt. He was merely a stranger but you couldn't help but wonder what you did to make him avoid you. You decided you'd ask him after class.

When the teacher dismissed you, it was your chance to jump up and go talk to the boy in the denim vest.

"Hey, Eddie, right?" You got his attention. He kept his eyes off of you before sighing and facing you.

"Yes, sweetheart. How can I help you?" Sarcasm and annoyance were obvious in his voice. This was a completely different person than before. You thought your interaction earlier was with a boy with softer eyes laced with curiosity. Here stood a guy with his arms crossed and doing everything in his power to reject anything you gave him.

"I didn't do anything earlier, right? I was just trying to find something in comm-"

"Listen, I'm gonna make this easy for you. Me and you?" he gestured between the two of you. "We're not supposed to... engage around each other okay? It will do nothing but ruin your reputation here and honestly, sweetheart-"

"I have a name." You interjected, the pet name was mildly inappropriate for the conversation. You didn't want to admit it sounded sweet coming from him, though. He smirked and slowly rolled out your name before continuing.

"I'm pretty sure Jason and his flock of detergents have claimed you so I don't want to cause any problems by being around you."

"Why are you being so complicated? I don't understand the problem with us talking."

"You can ask your dad how talking to me would be a problem. I'm sure all of his friends talk about me and my club on their Sunday brunches."

Word got around fast.

"This is because of my dad? Because of Jason showing me around? I just got here and already everyone seems to have put me in this place I don't want to be in. And honestly? Fuck you for doing it too. I'm not who they keep trying to make me be and it looks like you got sucked into their game just as much with this whole bad boy- freak thing you got going on. I don't buy it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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