Day 1

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It was a distinctly quiet day at the . . . I dunno, where do romances start . . . the shopping mall . . . especially since our roleplayers haven't gotten their bearings yet. They'll figure it out. In the meantime, let me direct your attention to the newly installed fountain. I'll try not to be nerdy in saying the water played musical sounds. Instead, there was a young boy at the top. No, it wasn't Cupid. Nor was he playing king with his dog and his dad's copperware cup. He was offering to a girl the latest iPhone. Er, no, not that either. I'm boycotting Apple anyway. He was offering her a flower. In a bold display of non-consumerism, she was actually looking at him, not the flower. It makes me wonder at just what age boys and girls make clubs for getting rid of each other before, as the cookie crumbles to fine air, falling head over heels for each other. It _was_ a rather small fountain-top they stood on.

Gabriel sat on the edge of the fountain, his mind whirring with possibilities for the newest case. But that was cut short, as a peculiar looking old man with dark gray and an extremely bushy mustache walked up to him, a not-too-happy expression on his face.

Gabriel looked up. "Can I help you?"

The man's eyes shone with the glare of a freight train headlamp as he shook his finger at the kid, "You, Ye should know better 'en to shteal a mans sammich, shudn't ye?"

He paused for a second, as if he had forgotten a key point, and then started again, excitedly, "If I recall currectly it wus you raskel who dun it, wasn't it?"

Gabriel sat calmly, lifting one leg over the other. "No sir, I do not believe I stole your sandwich. You say he looks like me? Where did you last see him?"

The man twisted his mustache in a manner very unfitting of his look, while pointing towards the gift shop. "Well if it wun't you who wus it?" Gabriel lifted his brows. He stood up and held out a hand, shoving his drawing under his other arm. 

"I'm Gabriel. Gabriel Schwart. Assistant Private Eye. Now, he was at the gift shop, was he? Let's go look over there and investigate." Gabriel said this in a proud tone. The man looked at Gabriel's hand for a second, thoughtfully, and then abruptly smacked his hand into Gabriel's, shaking it enthusiastically, "Name's Berkeley Walnut."

Gabriel was taken aback by his excitement. "Nice to meet you Mr. Walnut."

As the two were walking down the center of the long plant-filled shopping mall, the sun shining in through the large windows right below the curved amber roof, Walnut noticed a man walking directly parallel with them on the other side of the mall, he was a middle-aged man with dark brown hair, straight out of some cop film, it was probably nothing though, and he turned and walked into what looked to be some sort of hardware store anyways. 

Erin swiped her long dark hair out of her face. She didn't wanna give off emo vibes. At the same time, she didn't wanna look all bright and bubbly either. Somewhere in the middle. Yeah, juuuuust right.

*First impressions are everything! Well, not to that old dude who donated this sandwich, but to any good-looking guy, or maybe a wealthy artist willing to take me on as a protege!* she thought to herself hopefully.

Erin was a little on the shorter and the thinner side. She wore dark jeans and a bright pink coloured T-shirt with her favorite album on it. At age 17 but right on the heels of 18, Erin was quite good looking; many who knew her were inclined to say she'd turn out to be quite the looker when she fully came into her own.

But that had to happen first. And Erin wouldn't wait for her father to let her.

"LOOK OUT WORLD," Erin shouted, not able to help herself. "BECAUSE ERIN SNOW IS--"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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