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Pieces of my heart are shards of glass  
Dug deep inside the thorns of the past   
Woven together with the threads of silk   
In the fabrics of eternal dreams.
Do what is meant to be done in sync 
With the hands of hardwork ploughing
Heart beats elsewhere within me 
My loss permeates in a waterfall 
Courage to dream is in breathing.   

Like the rising sun   
I don't regret following my dreams   
We live only once 
Fighting with everything I can be.

Rising from the shadows that sway 
Going with the inborn instinct today 
Floating in the air, some ambitions still lit a flare
Tighten your seatbelts--it's gonna be one hell of a drive
One you see with open eyes.

The water of faith will drench you from inside 
Just hang in there, it'll be your time to shine 
Keep moving, your goals are in sight 
Be afraid, yet hustle with all your might 
Never stop believing.

Ethereal ExpressionsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt