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I can hear Cara talking with the person at the door, but can't really realise who the mysterious guest is. 

"Hey babe, who's there?" I yell for Cara, making sure everything is alright. No response.

"Oh! Hi honey!" What the fuck is she doing here?

"Hi Sarah. No need for you to act. This one here is a keeper."

"Damn bro, you move fast." My sister chuckles, hugging me so thight, like she always does.

"Yeah yeah. What can I say? I'm totally whipped."

"Now, I believe some congratulations are in order, big bro." Sarah looks at Cara's little belly that she didn't hide, given the fact we're at home.

"I would've told you next week at a family dinner. Guess the cat is out of the bag now." I smile and turn to look at Cara in return, wanting her to meet my noisy baby sister.

I turn, and let me tell you, I don't like what I'm seeing on my shortcake's face.

"Shit. I'm so sorry honey. I was joking. It's just a game Aidan and I do. Whenever I saw him with some girl I used to pretend to be his soon to be wife, so the girl would leave him alone. I didn't mean to scare and upset you. Fuck, don't cry. It's not good for my future  niece or nephew." Sarah babbles while bringing my girl into a hug.

"It's. . . fine, I'm just really sensitive these days. I'm sorry." Cara sniffs and my hand moves toward her hair, slowly moving it up and down, soothing her.

"Come here, shortcake. You're alright? Want me to get her out?" I mumble in her ear and I'm gifted with a laugh from the girl who's slowly, but surely, making me fall head over heels for her, the bane of my fucking existence." 

"Shut up." She whispers. "I want to make a good impression."

"Trust me, babe. She already loves you."

"Why? Cause I'm your baby mama?"

"Neeh. Just because you make me a better man every damn day." I kiss her red lips, being rewarded with a fake gag from my pain in the ass little sister.

"Now, let's talk about how you two met and became three!" Sarah says and gets a seat on the couch. It's gonna be a damn long night, given her two kids are so little that they're already asleep by now. 

It's been two weeks since I met Aidan's family. His mom, Florence, his dad, Patrick, Sarah's husband, Thomas and their two little boys: Liam and Luca. And I'm pretty sure mom and dad fell in love with Aidan right when they saw his face. And also with te baby I'm carring. But, those Powell's sure know how to make you feel appreciated and loved. Florence and Sarah visited me almost daily at home because of Aidan’s out of town games.

Speaking of . . . I can hear him pulling in right now.

We stare into each other’s eyes. "What now?" he whispered.

"It’s Monday, so I need to cook you pasta. We have traditions."

I got a small smile. "I do love couple traditions. That was the deal."

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