Chapter 11 - Lords' Meetings

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Karl Heisenberg had waited until he saw Lady Dimitrescu's carriage roll by and vanish into one of the hidden tunnels before he exited the factory. His shiny hammer slung over his shoulder, he grinned looking forward to showing it off. It didn't really mean much other than a statement to how much of a fucking badass he thought he looked with it, but it was still something to be proud of. As he walked across the property, through the gate and across the great stone bridge he was still thinking about Emily Tempest.

Damn, if I could bring her along I would, but Miranda must not know she's alive and well, he thought quietly. He was already running late for the meeting but that meant little to him. Being late had its advantages like you could barge in when everyone was about to start without you and put on a helluva show which is exactly what he did every time and intended to do again tonight, but better than before.

It was almost dark out when he entered the village and he always entered the chapel from the cemetery entrance as Moreau did. Lycans were scrambling about the streets of ruined houses as he walked past them, they were growling and searching the snowy ground for scraps to eat. Some of them were feasting on the fresh carcass of a pig nearby a house with a red chimney. All those villagers became savages from Miranda's experiments, and the bitch is going to pay.

When Karl realized that Emily had survived the ordeal of his crazy stunts, he not only took the opportunity to lure her to him before the other lords could, but he also used one of his handy inventions to attract the roaming Lycans, and other beastly creatures back towards the Stronghold near the castle, where they gathered and dwelled, so that none of them would interfere with Emily reaching his factory. Even a small brawl with one primitive creature was enough to alert Miranda. But Karl wasn't certain since it was also unknown to him where Miranda spent all her time when she wasn't meeting with them. This was a small price he paid for constantly working in his factory: being out of the loop from what occurred in the small outside world of the village.

Now that Emily was safely in the walls of his factory, the Lycans were pouring out into the village again with no contraption to keep them confined to their fortress. It worked like a charm, primitive bastards, Karl thought as he trekked through the ceremonial site, or whatever the hell it was meant to be. Miranda had remodelled the place to reflect her plans but this was something she was completely secretive about, Karl scoffed at the chalice in the middle of the circle and pushed his way through the gate and down into the centre of the village where the Maid of War statue lay facing Castle Dimitrescu like it was preparing to charge and attack.

A few more Lycans scampered past Karl cowering in fear at the sight of him as he climbed the stone steps into a more secluded area of the cemetery. Night had fallen now but even in the dark and with his shades on he could see the iron gate leading down into the underground passage was left slightly open with the latch lock lifted. Typical Moreau, can't even close the door behind him, fucking idiot. He recalled the days in Miranda's lab, seeing the fisherman across from him and Miranda concluded the latter had very little brain function from the results of Cadou implementation. Part of him felt sorry for Moreau even if he hated remembering those days of becoming a guinea pig. Rolling his eyes he shut the gate behind him and descended deeper into the darkness.

The tunnel was narrow, pitch black at first, but the light soon loomed ahead. This was the same path he carried Emily to meet the others. It felt like a century ago, and yet his polished hammer was starting to glitter like diamonds as the light grew larger. Following it silently he soon made it into the chapel.

Lady Dimitrescu was already seated in her large wooden chair catered to her size. She turned and winced seeing him before going back to her cigarette. Nice to see you too super-size bitch, he made his way to the bench across from her and sat down, slouching a bit. Donna and Moreau were waiting at the podium. Then that was when he set his hammer down did they notice what was different.

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