Chapter Ch9 - Your little hands are quite mischievous

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Lin Feiran is so cute and shameless xD

During the 40-minute English lesson, Lin Feiran, who stood at the back, touched Gu Kaifeng eight times.

He even did it secretly to make sure he didn’t seem like a pervert, using his old elementary school technique for sneakily sticking notes on classmates’ backs. Other than the first time, Gu Kaifeng didn’t react to his discreet touches; it seemed as though he didn’t feel them. Lin Feiran felt proud of himself and thought that he pulled it off especially covertly!

One could say that even the gods wouldn’t know, Lin Feiran boasted to himself.

The bell rang and the teacher packed up her things and left. As soon as she stepped out of the classroom, Gu Kaifeng, who was sitting next to Lin Feiran, stood up immediately, grabbed Lin Feiran by the shoulders, and pushed him against the wall.

Lin Feiran was startled: “……”

Is, is he picking a fight?

Gu Kaifeng leaned closer, looked down at the confused Lin Feiran, and said in a low voice, “You touched me eight times during the lesson.”

Lin Feiran scowled at him. “……”

Fuck, you were counting!?

Gu Kaifeng smirked and said softly, “Your little hands are quite mischievous, want to try doing that again?”

Even though Gu Kaifeng’s tone sounded flirtatious, the straight Lin Feiran assumed that the words “doing that” meant “annoying Gu Kaifeng” and took “want to try doing XX again” as a threat. After all, if he put himself in Gu Kaifeng’s shoes, he would also be angry if another male student started harassing him during lesson, touching him here and there as he pleased. Therefore, Lin Feiran waved his hands in a fluster and insisted, “I won’t bother you anymore.”

Lin Feiran no longer had the guts to provoke Gu Kaifeng. I just want to hug his thighand never let go!

Gu Kafeng felt a little disappointed. “You really won’t?”

Lin Feiran nodded his head weakly. “Really, I won’t do it again.”

Lin Feiran stopped and thought it over, then added anxiously, “Not this lesson, but I can’t say anything about the next one&#k2026;”

Gu Kaifeng was amused. “You&#k2026;”

Lin Feiran felt Gu Kaifeng’s hands loosen and took the opportunity to dart back to his seat like a frightened rabbit, not daring to look back. His ears were bright red.

It’s not like I want to be this shameless, but ghosts are really just too scary!

Ultimately, Lin Feiran had a difficult day.

He had been forcing himself to persevere standing in the back row of the classroom all morning, and it left his legs extremely sore. More distressingly, Gu Kaifeng’s behaviour had abruptly changed; throughout the morning after every class he would tease Lin Feiran. In order to avoid Gu Kaifeng that afternoon, Lin Feiran summoned up his courage and returned to his seat.He distracted himself by staring resolutely at the writing on the blackboard, poring over his textbooks while taking notes, or simply closing his eyes and relaxing. After all, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.

As to how he dared to return to his seat? It was because the founder of the school had left the classroom after the second period to inspect other classes and hadn’t come back since. Once that old gentleman with half a head was gone, the level of scariness in the classroom immediately came down to a bearable level. Aside from a ghost that was hanging from the overhead projector and dripping blood, a ghostly face peeping through a small window in the back door of the classroom, a few lazy ghosts snoring in the aisles, and a top student running around lecturing others, there were no other ghosts in the room…

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