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KIM SEON-U ALWAYS KNEW his ‘parents’ would never adore him the way they adored their daughter, his sister, Sae-ri. He couldn't help but resent both his parents and his sister, you must be thinking, how absurd of him to resent his sister the same when she had done particularly nothing. Seon-u knew all to well he was absurd for resenting her a bit too, but he just can't seem to let go. He still had that little hope his parents would love him. Even if they weren't even his parents at all.

As of right now, Seon-u sat on his knees, across from his adoptive parents. Both held stern looks, though, his mother held a less stern one. His father on the other hand, still held the same stern glare he gavethough he'd never dare give to his daughter, ever. "Seon-u! How dare you." his father shook with rage, marching towards him, yet, the boy did not budge from his position. The angry man held Seon-u up by the collar. "You insolent and malicious child! How could you embarrass Cho-yeon in front of her... acquaintances!" his mother spoke up, glare as stern as ever.

"What did i tell you to do? Take. Care. Of. Her. This could be good for us! You and your sister's marriage could bring good connection between our families! Don't you understand that?!" Seon-u, at that words, shook with not an ounce of fear but sadness and rage. "Are me and Sae-ri only but a key to good connections?" he spoke out, his mother gaped at his disrespectful response. "What the hell did you just say?" his father's exclaim echoed through the estate they remained in.

The Cho family estate, his mother's family's home, well, his adoptive mother's. "I said what i said. I could care less about Cho-yeon, i could care less about marriage, i could care less about this family, i could care less if you both died, i could care less about your connections." Seon-u yelled, his eyes still trailed to the ground. His father, KIM SU-RYEO and his mother, KIM SOO, were in disbelief and in shock.

"You...piece of shit! Don't you understand! Having connections and marriages would help you and your sister's future go smoothly! We're doing this for you! Not for us! FOR YOU."  his mother had finally snapped, exclaiming this very words,  Seon-u laughed like a maniac, veins formed on his hand—as he balled his hands into fists. "For us?" he repeated, "How pathetic of you, Kim Soo. I hope you had told your daughter and husband about your affair with Cho-yeon's father, thus forcing me to marry Cho-yeon for your sake. And marrying my dear sister of to Yul,  just because of your stupid will." he spat out, Kim Su-ryeo looked at his wife whomw as in horror.

"Soo-ya...." Su-ryeo said lowly, in anger and in betryal, both eyes met and locked. Soo’s eyes held regret and disbelief, Unknowingly to themtheir son who exposed a dark secret walked away, Seon-u not noticing a maid hiding behind a red maroon pillar with golden embroidery, the maid in shock dashed towards the estate area of the servants. Thus, rumors spread.


"Seon-u!" Cho-yeon called out cheerfully, he simply spared her a glance as she clung to his arm gleefully, "Cho-yeon." he simply said, nodding. The Jin girl pouted, "Where have you been? Sae ri-ssi has been searching for you, as well as that Ryeo-su girl." Cho-yeon stated, her voice lowered at the mention of Ryeo-su, her rival at gaining Seon-u's love. "Aish, Ryeo-su can go away. Sae-ri will be fine, she has Yul." Seon-u harshly shook her off his arm, walking away with haste.

Cho-yeon rubbed her arm in pain, disappointment graced her emotions. Though she knew Seon-u did nor care for her in any way, she still did love him, she hoped for their marriage to push through and go successfully. "Dear God, please help me and Seon-u's marriage....." she mumbled, walking away sadly. "Cho-yeon?" Sae-ri called out, watching as the girl sulked while walking, Cho-yeon's mood lightened at her voice.

"Sae ri-ssi!" she exclaimed, running up to her, doing small little excited jumps. The two extremely loved to bond and go out, whether to train, to shop, to talk, or literally anything. The two talked joyfully, mostly Sae-ri threatening to behead her brother for hurting her friend literally always, but they still talked about random things. Mostly shared random thoughts, weird like shower thoughts.

"Ah, the leader of Songrim asked me to bring Gwigu, you know, Sapsali so they can be able to find Naksu's men." Cho-yeon whispered, clinging onto Sae-ri's arm, "Really? Time has passed so much i hadn't realized how much things must have been happening." Sae-ri commented, making Cho-yeon smile. "You were never really good at managing time. Yul and Dang-gu always had to remind you what time ir was." Cho-yeon giggled at the memory.

"Huh? Oh yeah, i never really was great at managing time, was i?" Sae-ri said breathlessly, short laugh erupting from her mouth. "Sae ri-ssi, i have to go now. My Mother must be awaiting my presence." Cho-yeon pouted, swaying slightly as her hands were behind her back. "That's unfortunate, please, come visit next time Cho yeon-ah." Sae-ri said, grabbing a hold of her hands before releasing then gently.

"Of course, Sae ri-ssi." Cho-yeon exclaimed gleefully, before skipping away, joyfulness filled her senses. Sae-ri let out an exhale, "Aish, that girl. So full of energy, yet graceful and kind. Why in the world shall she wish to marry my brother?!" Sae-ri commented in confusion, shaking her head, she noticed it had started to get late, though she wished to see Seo Yul.

She walked towards Songrim, entering, about to enter elsewhere till a guard stopped her. The guard bowed upon recognizing her, "Miss Kim, the leader has ordered everyone to assemble in the training room." the guard stated, she nodded in disappointment but she'd probably find Seo Yul there anyway.

She entered the room, she spotted Seo Yul, unknowinglyMu-deok, Wook's maid, stared at her with a longing look. Admiration grazed her eyes, Jang Wook nudged his maid, "Yah, stop staring at her. Paint her or something, it'll last longer."  Wook deadpanned, Mu-deok simply glared at him, before turning to the leader of Songrim. "Yul!" The Seo boy looked at her with a small smile, taking her hand, gently pulling her towards him.

"Why are you here?" he asked politely, the girl clung to his arm, yes, you can say Cho-yeon and Sae-ri have a thing for clinging to their man's arms. "I went to look for you, then a guard approached me and said the leader stated that Dang-gu's uncle wanted  everyone to assemble at the training room." Sae-ri said, "Ah, yes, he is gonna ask help from the Jin family." Yul said, "I do not know how though." Yul added. "Ah, it must be Gwigu. The Jin family's heirloom, i mean, it after all can detect such weird sorcery." Sae-ri commented, Yul simply nodded, both listened to the words of Park Jin, leader of Songrim.

Cho-yeon entered, walking towards the front with grace, people stared at her with adoration, Seon-u far into the crowd stared at her trailing figure. He squinted his eyes, 'Why the hell is she here." he thought. Jang Wook raised an eyebrow at her arrival, extremely unexpected, as she arrived, infront of her lay a pot. Dang-gu from beside Wook explained what it was, "Gwigu? As in dog?" Wook said in a questioning tone. Dang-gu nodded in confirmation.

The Sapsali emerged from smoke, frightening a few others as it roamed the room, people starting to remaind defensive against the Gwigu, in fright mostly and in fear it would accidentally attack them. The Sapsali neared Sae-ri, Yul, Dang-gu, Mu-deok and Wook, Yul held onto Sae-ri's arm, Mu-deok and Wook held hands. The Sapsali jumped, all five backed away, though something unexpected happened.....


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