18) Airports

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Paul's POV

The time had come to get the band out of the hotel and to the aiport. Goodness I hated airports. They're one of the biggest challanges about being on tour. There was no avoiding fans or paparazzi.

Somehow we were supposed to get five young boys through the airport safely. We had to get through all the check points and all the secruity and still get them on their flight. 

The only bonus was the private plane, because it meant they could get some sleep, there would be no waiting at an airport terminal, and no fans.

But the first matter is making sure we get there on time. 

"Is anyone awake yet?" I asked Paddy, Preston, Alberto, Alan, and Basil.

"Not yet." They all responded.

Each of them were a vital member of the secruity and all of the boys knew them, even though some spent more time with the boys than others.

"Let's start waking them up. Get everyone's gear into the cars and stay stationed wherever you've been allocated." I instructed.

Everyone gave me a nod and went of to their work. Some members of secruity were heading straight to the airport, some were collecting luggage, and others were getting the boys ready. My job was to oversee everything and to organise Y/n since I didn't want to leave her with any other members of secruity. 

The boys were rushing up and down the hallway half naked trying to get themselves ready in a state of pure panic. But in the end we managed to get the band and Y/n into one van safely. 

It was then we moved onto the next task of arriving at the aiport.


Zayn's POV

Getting through airport secruity was always such a pain. Not only did it feel like a major invasion of privacy but it gave paparazzi the perfect chance to capture whatever photos they wanted. 

It was bad enough for anyone to have to experience a pat-down, but when the media film and photograph it you only feel ten times worse. But luckily we survived it and were seated at our private terminal waiting to board the plane.

"Please can I go get some food!" Niall begged Paul.

"No Niall, you'll be fed on the plane." Paul sighed.

"But I can't wait until we're on the plane I'm hungry now." The blonde whined.

"How many times do I have to tell you no." Paul pushed Niall back into his seat where he continued to pout and sulk about being hungry.

Unfortuantly it was taking longer than normal for the plane to be ready to board. Everyone was tired from the early morning start and we hadn't eaten since breakfast, which ended up just being McDonalds.

Niall began to play a hand clapping game with Harry in attempt to keep them both occupied. Liam was sipping on a coffee while Louis scrolled through his phone. Y/n however was trying to keep herself awake. I decided to sit next to her and I flashed a soft smile.

"Tired love?"

"Very." She yawned.

"Come here." I gestured and she placed her head on my shoulder.

"How are you?" I asked Y/n genuinely.

"I'm okay." She spoke softly.

"You didn't have much for breakfast today, did you want something to eat?" 

"I'm good thanks."

"Just because Paul said no to Niall doesn't mean he'll say no to you." I raised my eyebrows at her knowng I read her mind.

"I guess, but I'm really not hungry anyway. I don't want to be sick on the plane."

I couldn't argue with her logic and decided to drop the sensitive topic. Our breathing synced just before an air hostess came to alert us that they were ready for us to board. About time.


Louis' POV

Boredom surrounded me. I was tired but not tired enough to sleep, and I was bored but not bored enough to do anything about it. Instead I just scrolled through my phone.

Niall was busy begging Paul about food while Zayn had left to go to the bathroom.

"Loubear!" Harry grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and the frustrating nickname. I really wish they would all find something else to call me.

"Yes Hazza?" 

"Whatcha doin'?" 

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Can you please play a game with me?" Harry asked me hopefully.

Somehow both he and Niall were full of energy, the great world wonder of the day.

"No. Ask Niall he'll play."

Harry huffed at me but sure enough he was playing god knows what with the Irish boy and I was once again left in piece until it was time to board the plane.


Harry's POV

Finally we had boarded the plane and everyone was seated. Anticipation filled the air as we knew that before long we would be in another country continuing our world tour.

The staff were all so polite helping us in any way we needed and making sure everyone was comfortable before we took flight. It wasn't long before we were fastening our seatbelts and our airport troubles were being left behind.

I was sat across from Liam and Y/n, and sat next to Louis. Everyone was engulfed in their own activities, whether it was watching a movie, reading a book, listening to music, or eating all the areoplanes food, but it was an oddly comforting feeling that filled me.

"Hey Li, I'm really tired. Am I allowed to take a nap." I heard Y/n whisper tiredly to her older brother.

"Of course you can." Liam smiled sweetly in response.

Y/n plugged in her headphones and leant onto Liam's shoulder while he continued to read whatever book it was that he was reading.

I don't know where the book came from but it was defienlty new.

"I bought the book back at the airport." Liam answered the question I didn't ask.


"I saw you staring at the book, I knew you wanted to ask." Liam shrugged and I chuckled quietly, he knew us all so well.

It didn't take long for him to be endulged back into his book and completely sucked into whatever world it was he entered while reading. Oblivious to the rest of the world I managed to get a quick photo.

The sight of Y/n resting her shoulder on Liam while he read completely unbothered was simply adorable and far too cute not to share. So I opened twitter and wrote a caption.

'Sweden here we come'


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