18 | downpour

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[chapter warning: a bit of sexual content]



I lost Summer. Literally. And after the shit I pulled—maybe in all aspects.

I was dancing with Crystal, I turned around and the space where she'd been sitting on the couch was empty. Along with the space next to it. Crystal says she's getting another drink, and I take the gap to search the living room. My radar comes up empty. She's not here, and the tool who was feeling her up isn't either.

I maneuver around a couple practically dry humping in the stairwell, bounding up to the next floor with a trail of regret following.

I asked for this. I went too far out of pure, immature jealousy. Chased her right into the waiting hands of some random guy who sure as fuck won't remember her name in the morning.

I open the door to the guest room on the landing, heart sinking from the haze of naked skin and writhing limbs on the bed. I let out a jagged breath. It's not them. The girl giggles and the guy yells at me to get lost.

Charlie is insane to be so casual about people hooking up in her house. Screw cleaning up tomorrow. I'd burn the place down and call it a day.

I check a couple more rooms before I turn the corner and see Toolbag down the hallway. He's waiting outside the bathroom, head dropped to his phone.

His off-key singing comes into earshot as I stride over. "Hey!"

He looks up and around, pointing to his blank face.

"Yeah you, dipshit."


"Like I give a fuck. Where's the girl you were with?"


"Downstairs." I'm directly in front of him now, and he's looking up at me like I'm the hardest math problem he's ever had to solve. "Summer. Brown hair, green eyes, wearing a skirt you seemed real excited about. Ring a bell?"

"Summer, Summer... hot Summer!" He makes a sizzling sound and snaps his fingers. "Oof, what a ten!"

"So where is she?"

Chase scoffs. "Hell if I know."

I grab his shirt and slam him into the wall. "You didn't bring her up to a room? Give her whatever the fuck you're tripping on and wait for it to kick in? I swear to god—!"

"I didn't!" He chokes. "I dunno where she is, bro! That chick is a tease, she bailed on me!"

I watch him squirm for a few seconds before I let go, his body crumpling.

The bathroom door creaks open and a dazed Ryan emerges, gray skin shining with sweat. A deathly smell accompanies him.

"Good god, bro." Chase lifts his shirt over his nose, all tenseness vaporized.

"I opened the window, but I'd let it air out for a while. I couldn't keep it down, I..." He suppresses a burp, nauseousness overcoming his face. "Tequila... devil."

"Someone as big as you should not have a tolerance this low, man," I mutter, eyes burning.

Ryan weakly flips me off, and in turn I heave his arm over my shoulders to help him to an empty room. Once he's passed out on a bed, I make my way downstairs, craning my neck for Summer in the human ocean.

It's like a Where's Waldo picture in here. Fawn is snacking on some chips and Lola's talking to Steven, and I doubt Summer would have left without them. I really screwed up. So much for making things happen tonight.

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