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Alkebulans prefer using their herbs since it's the most natural way for them to perform a spell.


Zaelah's P.O.V

"We had the upper hand on them at first because there were only a few, but hours passed and more came from the depths of the woods to finish what their people started." He began while looking away from me as he stared at his hands which held battle scars like he was remembering everything that took place during the war.

"With so many of them coming we couldn't put up a fight—the werewolves were killing and destroying everything in their path so we decided we had to flee. We had to run as fast as we could to get out of their range—out of their sight."

"A few other soldiers and I escaped the losing battle after being ordered to do so by our general. We used different kinds of fruits to mask our scents and utilised bushes as clothing so if we heard them coming all we had to do was lay against the dirt and stay still in the hope they didn't hear our hearts as we held our breaths." He explained letting out a sigh as he continued.

"We travelled for days. The only time we stopped was for a drink of water we got from the sea or to eat the fruits we gathered from the generous trees."

"When we arrived at the northwest border we knew we had to find a way to escape since Aropia was just an ocean away, so we gathered as much wood as we possibly could to build a boat and paddles." Darrelle swallowed hard telling me he wasn't exactly enjoying reliving the memory.

"Unfortunately, the boat could only hold four people—any more and it would sink to the bottom of the ocean never to be found."

"I wanted to stay on the island, but everyone insisted I go with Xinze and the others because of my close relationship with the royal family—they knew it'd be easy for me to send help. Long story short I agreed and travelled 3 days to get here."

"You didn't tell me to send soldiers for them-" I started worried and confused, but he interrupted me.

"Your father already did, I didn't want to bother you since you obviously have a lot on your plate with the new title." He informed me which removed my confusion and worry completely.

"Well, have they come back?" He shook his head letting out a weary sigh.

"Not as yet." I rested my hand over his, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"They will come back, don't worry," I assured him and he smiled, though I could tell it was forced because I was asking him to do the impossible, "I have to ask, how did you avoid the sharks and loeinas?"

I knew sharks were less likely to kill humans because most of them don't attack unless provoked, but loeinas on the other hand don't hesitate to strike since they were programmed by Alkebulans to kill humans and they survived on our blood.

"Soldiers don't just learn how to kill humans and werewolves." He declared, letting me know he had come in contact with a few.

"Did you encounter any werewolves on your way to the border?" I asked him and he hummed a yes.

"Quite a few, luckily most of us survived...I can't say the same for the others. May our Aropian ancestors bless their souls." He voiced and I smiled sadly at this.

I could only imagine how hard their deaths must have been for him since he knew every single one of the soldiers from when he was about 13.

"Their sacrifice will be remembered. I'll be arranging a feast to celebrate the fallen and the victors, we just need to account for all the deaths." I informed him and this appeared to lighten his mood a bit, but I couldn't say the same for mine because I had a million things weighing on my mind.

"I'm happy to hear that, they deserve it." He stated, though I wasn't given the chance to reply as the door opened allowing my sister to enter, holding the same look of curiosity she had earlier which told me she was here for answers.

"Hi, Darrelle." Ariella greeted him and he placed a smile on his lips as he stood from the comforts of my office chair.

"Hello, princess. It's lovely to see you again." He confessed, pulling a smile from her.

"Likewise." She replied, glancing at me.

"I'll leave you two alone," Darrelle announced, catching her gaze.

"Get some rest." He curtsied in a joking manner with a slight grin.

"I shall carry out your order, Queen Zaelah." I smiled, watching as he left the office, giving my orbs the opportunity to travel to my sister.

"Ask away," I instructed her and that was all I needed to say for her to take a seat in front of my desk before letting out her interest with words.

"What's he like?" She inquired and I smiled slightly at the question because images of Malik and I's interactions appeared instantly, blessing my body with tingling sensations I would only feel from his lingering touch.

"He's kind and affectionate." I answered, keeping my response brief.

"Is he good-looking?" Ariella asked me and I didn't need a second to respond since the answer had already been locked in my mind.


"Do you trust him?"

I stayed silent for a brief minute trying to search my mind for this answer because I had been trying to figure it out since the moment he left, but I only found myself confused with my thoughts and my emotions that were caused by our bond, so it was a constant battle in trying to figure out what my true feelings were.

I mean nothing he said seemed off, nothing he did raised red flags, so should I trust him? Could I trust him?

What if this was a way to manipulate me?

What if this whole bond was fake and he had his Alkebulans cast a spell on me to make it feel real?

All these questions were the purest image of distrust, so I knew my answer.

"It's too early to tell," I confessed, deciding to keep my inner thoughts to myself.

"Will you be with him? Even after all he's done?"

A stressed sigh escaped me because that was another battle I was having with myself.

My mind was telling me to stay away, but my heart was beating helplessly for him.

"I do not know yet. Whatever I choose will change my future forever." I reminded her.

"Well whatever you choose, I'll be here with you, though, I'm not so sure about dad." She noted and I forced back an irritated eye roll at the mention of our father.

"I would not be surprised if he betrays me." I declared, drawing a look of surprise in her eyes.

"You really think he'd do that?" Ariella questioned me.

"He's already told me he'd kill me if it meant the fall of Malik, so I'd expect no less," I announced and I watched the surprise fall from her eyes, spreading onto her expression.

"I guess his hatred for the werewolves overpowers his love for me."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now