I love you 💞

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Alpha POV
Incoming call 📲

Alpha - sis

Yes sis. -alpha

I need you to come get me. -sis

Where are you? -alpha

I'm at Conner house. -sis

Didn't I warned you not to go over there. He has very bad anger issues.-

I know but please just hurry. -sis

Bae I'm go get Liv. -Alpha standing up and going to the door

Let me go with you. - Mia following close behind him

No. I'm not going to put you in any danger. I'm call you after. -alpha (give her a kiss on the check)

Fine- Mia ( close the door)

Mia grab her car keys after alpha leaves.

I have a very bad feeling. And I can't just let him go there alone. -Mia

Conner house

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Conner house

Alpha get there and see Liv.

Liv let's go. Alpha shout angrily

Liv has a black hood on. And glasses . Before she can go Conner pulls her into his chest.

You really think I'm let you take her.

She my sis. Don't freaking play with me right now, Conner. I never liked your ass.

Mutual - Conner laugh

Alpha pull Liv and her glasses come off.
Fuck -Liv says sacredly picking up the glasses fast

Naw I seen the black eye. You put your hand on my sister. - Alpha push Conner.

She mine I can do whatever I want with her.
Alpha punch Conner. Alpha take his right hand and try to punch him but then Conner take his right and punch alpha. Alpha then take his right foot and slide Conner left foot making him fall. Alpha starts to punch him more aggressively. Conner starts to bleed and laugh evilly.

Alpha get off him please- Liv try pushing him off of Conner but failed.
Mia get there.
Alpha he already in critical condition. He learned his lesson. If he didn't then get revenge late but you don't need to go to jail for that asshole. - Mia says calmly

He's going to died. And didn't I tell you not to come. You never fucking listen to anything I have to say.

You just didn't want me to see you this angered. But, guess what I did. So please can you just stop before the police come.

Naw I'm good -Alpha

Mia point her gun in the sky and pull the trigger.

Now someone will call the police and people will see you on top. So let go.
She right alpha. Please just get off Conner. -Liv

Alpha moves and go to Mia.

Conner gets up and point his gun at Mia and shoot.

Hospital 🏥
Mia and alpha parent are there.
Liv is also in the hospital because of her terrible bruise and black eye.
Conner has fleet the town. And Mia is rushed straight to the hospital.

After Conner shot the gun. Alpha push Mia out the way. Causing him to fall and the bullet hit his back.
Mia call the police. And Liv faint.

(And this is why. You always be friend with people before you started dating them people.)

Mia is in the waiting room with Liv. She said that Liv was her sister and alpha was her brother so they let her in. However, Liv wasn't going to be hospitalized without someone at her side that she know.

This is all my fault. - Liv crying

It really is not. It was mine. If I just would of listen he probably would of beaten him to dead but before he could died you would of call the ambulance. This is all my fault Liv. Please let's not talk about this right now we have to let these people fix you up first.

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