Underwater Treasure

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Me: *in my swimming gear and flippers*

Nk_works: *in her swimming gear and flippers* Let's dive underwater and search for that treasure that Z told us about!

Me: Okay! *dives underwater off the boat*

Nk_works: *dives underwater off the boat*

Us: *swimming underwater*

Fish: *swimming*

Me: *swimming* I think see something!

Nk_works: Its a sunken ship! And there's a treasure chest!

Skeletons: *scattered on the ship*

Us: *swimming towards the sunken ship and carries the treasure chest up towards dry land*

Sea Gulls: *flying above the sandy dunes*

Us: *back on dry land and scramble to open the treasure chest*

Treasure Chest: *opens and reveals a two cartoon bombs already lit*

Me: Oh no!

Nk_works: Oh no!

Cartoon Bombs: *lit up and goes off with a cartoon sound effect, and covering us in bomb powder from the blast*

Me: *covered in bomb powder* This supposed to be a joke?

Nk_works: *covered in bomb powder* If it is, I ain't laughing! We got the treasure, only to find out it was bombs?! Oh my gosh!!

ZSb402: *takes a pic of us in our current state and laughs* Good job finding the treasure! What were you expecting? Gold?! *bursts out laughing*

Iris: *laughing hysterically*

HeidiCarroll: Sorry, but I have to laugh too! *laughing hysterically*

This story was written on Tuesday, July 26th, 2022.

A/N Oh my gosh!! We thought the treasure chest was filled with gold! Boy, were we wrong! 😂😂😂😂😂💣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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