Hiding being sick (Niall)

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Hey guys. I got a lot of requests from logitech2401 , and thank you for that cuz it's helping me a lot. But here's one of them and I'm sorry for not doing exactly what you asked for but the main plot is still the same. Hope you will like this!

And btw I'm pretty new to write sickfics so don't blame me if something doesn't sound right haha, ofc you can always tell me in the comments but nicely (I'm sensitive😂😂).

Also, this is my first time writing POVs so please be patient and tell me what you like or if I should just keep the 3rd person pov style.

Word count: ~3200 words.

Niall's P.O.V

I could already tell how awful this day was going to be by the way I felt when I woke up today. I tried to just shrug off the awful feeling I had and started getting ready.

Today was going to be a busy day. "Nialler! Harry made us breakfast, are u coming? I heard Louis yell from the other side of the tour bus. "Yeah, just a minute" I yelled back.

I wasn't even feeling hungry but I knew I had to eat something, so I did. "You good Ni?" Harry asked across the table, I nodded. "You don't look good, are you sure?" Liam said, "yeah, guys really, I'm fine, I just didn't get much sleep last night" I said. The boys seemed to believe me but they still looked sceptical.

"Oh uhm, is everyone finished? We should probably start heading to the studio before we're late" Zayn said as he stood up from the table and offered to take everyone's plate and put them to the sink. All of us just nodded and said thank you to him for being so kind.

When we arrived at the studio I started to feel worse than in the morning, I still didn't say anything to anyone because I didn't want them worrying about me. "I can handle this myself" I thought to myself.

After a few photo shoots I started feeling sick in my stomach. In the middle of the third photo shoot I had to excuse myself, "oh uh sorry, could we take a 5-minute bathroom break" I asked as politely as I could but I just ran off before getting an answer from the crew.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up, it felt like I was puking my guts out.

Liam's P.O.V

Yeah, something was definitely wrong with Niall. I noticed in the morning already that he was a bit off.

Niall came back like nothing had happened and we continued the day, but I kept a little eye on him.

After the fourth photo shoot we still had a couple of interviews to do. Five minutes had passed in the interview and Niall ran off without saying anything. I just knew that he was sick by now, and I was pretty sure the others knew too.

After what seemed like three minutes Niall came back, looking exhausted and sweaty. "Okay, sorry for that, let's keep going" he said as he stood up besides me.

After that interview he went to the nearest couch and just sat there with his head in his hands. I asked Lou to go get some medicine for him and Harry and I went to Niall. Zayn went to tell the management that Niall can't continue today.

"Hey Niall, what's wrong? How are you feeling?" I said as I kneeled in front of him trying to look him in the eyes. "Nothing I'm fine!" Niall replied sounding very unconvincing, "yeah if you're fine I'm Albert Einstain" Harry snapped, I chuckled a little.

Harry's P.O.V

We all knew Niall wasn't feeling well. And still he tried his best to hide it from us. "Sorry...I just...I don't feel we-" Niall said before putting his hand to his mouth, "Liam, get the bin! Or a bucket! Or something! His gonna throw up!" I said almost panicking.

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