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Fall of hoods on the solid mud road and the neighing of horses resonated around the thick forest interrupting the peaceful silence of the starry night. The brightness of the moon was the only source of light, showing the path to the prince and his companions.

The crowned prince raised his hand indicating to slow down which his companions followed suit.
"It is time for Salat-ul-Isha (night prayer) we should find an appropriate place to set out camp for the night", came a command from the Prince.

"Your Royal Highness.. Shall we shelter around this area, there is a small lake in few meters distance", hollard Harun from the west side.
"If there is water, then the area is prone to have wild animals", the prince stated.

"No need to worry, my prince, we will take turn to guard throughout the night but we need water as the last drop has been consumed hours ago", a guard suggested.
"Alright then.. Let's make the temporary shelter here itself", announced the prince as he hopped down from his dear stallion and tied the knot securely around a tree, near a thick bush for the animal to fest on.
"Provide some water to the horses as well", instructed the prince before walking away.

It had been three days, they were on their expedition, exploring the forest and hunting their desired animals. They were heading towards the ocean and would like to explore the town near the beach. Most of the Empire's merchant and traders resides in the southern town, making it a richer place than other villages, ocean being the fastest route for their shipments.

Generally, it takes a full rotation of earth to reach the town from the palace ground, if taken the fastest route without stopping. However, the prince chose the lengthy route through the forest as he wanted to hunt, which was his favourable hobby.

The prince walked through the narrow path with his companions laughing and goofing around to reach the lake and drank water to quench his thirst. A guard placed a wooden bucket filled with water for the prince to perform wadu (ablution).

After the refreshing moment the generals along with the prince got ready to offer the Salah (prayer). The prince stood at the front, leading the prayer as his companion stood behind him in two rows.
"Allahu Akbar (Allah is greatest)",

After the prayer, everyone settled around the fire created by the guards, to start roasting the dear meat that they hunted the day before.

The prince was clad in black cotton trouser and loose white shirt, the others wore similar clothes as they would like to take rest comfortably before they start their journey again at dawn.

The warmth of fire was complementing the coldness of the night. Fortunately, it was not winter otherwise it would have been difficult to stay under the open sky.

"Would you like to fasten the journey or explore the forest more, my Prince?", asked Sahir before tearing the roasted meat with his teeth.
"The town is near hence we would not stop any longer", Shahzaib replied as he chewed on the loaf of bread before grabbing the chunk of meat and putting it in his mouth.

"Ohm! the meat is really tender and delicious", exclaimed Harun as others agreed with a satisfied moan.
"Here have some sweet juice, my Prince", Sahir offered a wooden glass filled with brewed grape juice.
"Oh! Seems like your stock isn't empty yet", the prince received the glass chuckling.
"Ahh! can't let that happen now, can we?", the remark made everyone laugh.

And soon the surrounding wasn't peaceful anymore as the late night fun talks started messing up with the men's sanity. Harun and Sahir were narrating some local poetry, imitating a professional shayaar as the others laughed at the weird gestures and expressions. The prince was having the time of his life as he accompanied them in their silliness.

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