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Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking this book off the Wattpad shelf! I am excited to have you here. In this book, you will find chapters based off my Fragments of Alchemy series. My book touches on so many details of the world of Alchemy, including Conversions, Chimaeras, and characters. This appendix is meant to clarify these concepts and work in conjunction with the glossary in the back of the book.

If you are reading that book, then I hope you will find the contents of this appendix to be very helpful. If you have just discovered me, then I hope you will give my Wattys Shortlist Fantasy a chance. Without Fragments of Alchemy: The Code Keeper, there would be no purpose for this appendix. Check out the book on my profile now! You know you want to!

Anyone who has read the Code Keeper, please comment here and share your thoughts. Would you recommend the book?

I have tried hard to create this appendix so it will include no spoilers for the Fragments of Alchemy book. That being said, it's possible that I might not answer all your questions. Let me know if you have questions about something in the book or this guide. I would be more than excited to send you a private message to answer your questions as long as it will not spoil the story. I might also add to this guide based off questions my readers ask me, so feel free to message me! I love to hear from my readers!


~ A.C. Sutliff

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