i'm gonna take care of things // pt 2

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"so what you're saying," tsukauchi deadpanned. "is that you found a random kid on the street in a muzzle, and instead of taking him to a hospital or his social worker, you've decided to take him and yet another cat into your home as an emergency foster child, without notifying me or your husband before making that decision?"

aizawa resisted the urge to roll his eyes. tsukauchi had always been a bit too straight-laced for him. he didn't regret taking hitoshi in, and he didn't plan to. "yes."

tsukauchi sighed. "what's his full name?"

"shinsou hitoshi. i think he's around ten years old, and he was in a foster home near the _____ province, with visible injuries and a locked muzzle that looked like it had been on for a long time. i'll handle his injuries and get him settled in, let me know if there's any updates on his case."

there was a long pause. "alright, i'll get started on the investigation tonight or tomorrow morning. i will most likely need to talk to shinsou once he's properly settled."

"thanks. keep in contact."

"goodnight, eraser."


aizawa massaged his temples, where the echoes of a headache were starting to build. he could hear soft splashes from the bathroom, and the scent of lavender seeping from the crack in the door was making his eyes droop in exhaustion.

"hitoshi?" aizawa called from outside the door. "how is it going?"

no answer came.

oh shit, he's mute.

"uh, knock on something once for yes and twice for no, okay?"

one knock.

"are you okay?"

one knock. yes.

"can i come in? it'll make it easier to sign, but i won't come in if you don't want me to."

one knock.

hitoshi was submerged up to his neck in bath water and bubbles, his cheeks rosy and hair fluffy from the steam. there were bubbles covering his cheeks and hands, like he'd been playing with them.

"are you warmed up now?"

he nodded, blinking slowly. he was probably getting tired.

"are you ready to get out?"

hitoshi seemed to consider for a minute, and then nodded. sleepy, he signed.

"me too. i'll get you a towel and some clothes to change into."

aizawa chose the softest towel from the closet, and by the time hitoshi was dressed in the spare clothes they kept for emergency fosters, hizashi was acquainting himself with luna, cooing softly.

he looked up from his position next to the cat tree, taking in shinsou's appearance; the borrowed clothes hung loose on his small frame, and the blood on his forehead had started to dry. he was swaying slightly on his feet, eyes half lidded and movements sluggish.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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