Chapter 46: The one where you have a major fight

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Returning back to Zelda’s house wasn’t as victorious as it should have been considering you had fulfilled your retrieval mission successfully. It was silent, almost depressingly so. Four hadn’t said a single word ever since his goodbye from Kathy and the helpless looks you all were exchanging over his head weren’t helping at all.

Because it was painfully clear he was hurting because of this…and no one has a clue how to fix it. If it even was fixable.

Even more so because it's obvious the Links would have to leave. And bald. Better stated the next day.

 Before the next one fell prey to Earth.

And someone would have to join them to help the others from your world come back here by using the portals created by the notebook. Sure, you could always hand the notebook to one of the Links…but what if it didn't work for them since they were from Hyrule and it needs someone from Earth to work? Or had the same mind washing skills Earth did? Or-

You didn't want to risk it. Which only left one option.

"No" your brother's voice rings out and you look up, stiffening.

"I didn't say anything" you utter quickly, hiding the list of things you wrote in a not magical notebook which you plan to pack because you definitely are going to toss Zelda's care package back through the portal because it was entirely too much and useless and would probably take years to go through which would be deadly mid fight. Your best friend meant well but some things simply cross the line.

Your brother does not look convinced or particularly impressed at your meagre attempts to cover it up. "But I know what you're thinking" he states, sitting down next to you on the couch in one of the many sitting rooms in Zelda's mansion, arm wrapped in thick gypsum. "So don't."

"You do not" you protest maturely, frowning, crossing your arms.

He rolls his eyes and lightly taps your forehead with his knuckles, an annoying thing he had done since you were children. "Think. We grew up together. I know you and I can tell what you're thinking. You're thinking of going out there with them and playing the hero. Don't. I'm warning you."

You purse your lips, a scowl starting to form as you bat away that annoying hand. "You don't know what's out there. Or what exactly is going on. Don't try to judge or tell me what to do and what not to do."

"I'm not letting you go. Whether I know what's out there or not, I do know it will be dangerous. Which is why you can't go" he insists. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm fine" you counter. "I made it so far, didn't I? Plus I got nine of the best fighters to exist with amazing skills and abilities to guide and protect me if necessary." Plus you could somewhat hold your own in a fight by now…but you doubt that'd reassure Luck.

"And what if you're separated? What if they can't protect you?" Wow, he is growing tense. He shakes his head, lips in a grim line. "I don't want to see you hurt or worse. It's already almost happened once. Don't make me watch that again. I do not want to see you in the hospital in such a state ever again."

That makes you pause. You need a moment to remember what he might refer to.

Then it clicks.

"You mean when Zelda was kidnapped for ransom when I was a kid?"

He nods grimly.

You grimace, remembering that incident.

You and your best friend had been on the playground. Suddenly this lady came up to talk to her. You thought that suspicious, so you had run over too. Things get kinda blurry from there and you woke up in the hospital a week later with a huge head wound, a shot injury, multiple bruises and a broken leg. Not fun. But at that point apparently the kidnapper had already been caught and Zelda safely returned to her father.

And Luck had been sitting by your bedside crying when you woke up. His pale face and puffy cried eyes were seared in your memory. He had been sixteen, had just recently got his motorcycle license and he had been so happy and proud of it, especially getting his first cycle. And little after a month after that had happened and you had never seen him so broken.

It must've been that incident that ignited his overprotective streak. His hunger to fight for the law.

"It won't happen again. I'm gonna be fine" you shake your head, unwilling to admit you couldn't exactly remember that time due to the head injury you had suffered. "And they need someone from Earth."

"Do they?" He frowns, sitting back hearing that. He seems to think for a moment. "I'll go then" he decides then.

You sputter. "No! Your arm is broken!"

"I can still write. And you said yourself: there's nine of the best fighters to protect me."

"That's not how it works!" You shake your head, glancing about before finding Malin on the doorway watching your discussion go back and forth. "You could get hurt or die! You have a fiance to think about which you're risking to leave behind!"

"You just said it yourself, it'd be okay. And if it's not, it'd render your earlier argument invalid. I'm not letting my little sibling run headlessly into danger" he counters firmly. Ought, stubborn lawyers and their stubborn arguments and-

"It's not headless. I already have experience. And I didn't get hurt unlike you in the last fight, did I?"

"Low blow. You're still not going."

"You can't decide that, you're not in charge of me. I'm not letting you endanger yourself."

"I'm gonna tell our parents."

"I thought you covered my disappearance up so they wouldn't worry."

"Still. You're not going. If they need me, I will."

"You don't understand, you really shouldn't go. You don't know-"

"You're not going. End of discussion."

"That's not the end. You're not listening-!"

"To you wanting to run headfirst into risks and injuries, yes!"

"Ugh!" You get up from the couch you've been sitting on, throwing your hands up in frustration. "Stop babying me! You don't understand-!"

"Why you suddenly crave danger? Yes, I don't! And I'm not assisting your new suicidal tendencies!"

"They're not suicidal -"

"I thought we had a promise! I covered up the stunt you pulled and you wouldn't run off to save anyone ever again! I don't want to have to drag your bleeding body about and pray I'm quick enough to reach the hospital ever again!"

You suck in a breath. "I don't remember what you mean" you admit reluctantly.

"Maybe for the better" he responds tensely. "You're not going. Argument over."

And with that he gets up and storms past the gathered crowd. To where?

…probably to be an overprotective idiot and pack for himself to get himself killed.

You shake your head and leave the living room likewise, sighing. You need some fresh air. This is a mess.

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