Love, Prey

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      There's a wide world out there for those willing to brave the darkness.

      Survivability is a must—a constant reminder of Hana's deceased mother that her ignorance would be the cause of the shifting of her decisions; leading to a mistake that she was still regretting even until now. Unwanted memories would cloud in her mind. Images of his and the heated touches they shared together that night were a poison which would slowly decay her happy memories.

      She would never be the same.

      Walking on bare feet and the grass would tickle her heels. Growing in the same forest provided her the familiarity of its spots that a certain area was tainted with his presence. She could see his large, wolf figure, emerging from the darkness. It used to scare her. However, melancholy was best described at the moment due to his zero visitation.

      "Please... I'm so lonely. Come back to me." Her white beady eyes looked up at the moonlight shining above the night sky. Hoping that she would be heard by the stars accompanying the lone moon. A hopeless and desperate calling for his love to be returned despite the many evenings having passed. Her hand crawled through the grass, having its pointy ends rubbing against her pale palms. Her eyes were closed and the enhancement on her pointy ears would provide her the ability to hear the sounds in the widest range possible.

      And her longing ended the moment she heard of those familiar footsteps.

      "Herman?" She immediately stood up and her eyes went open, glinting with excitement. Her gaze was only fixated at the specific direction where the noise was coming from.

      Hope is a false truth. Love is a poison that ruins us all.

      "You're wrong, mother," she quipped, obviously speaking on her own after the familiar voice intruded in her mind. "Not him. I can feel him here." And her hand landed on her chest covered with a thin cloth before she began walking towards the pinpointed direction. "I'm coming, my love."

      A surge of energy powered her footsteps as she ran through the woods. Fireflies led her the way and was the contributor of her encouragement to meet the love of her life. Her naivety was young and so was her heart.

      "Herman!" The lack of patience caused her to shout his name the sooner she caught a glimpse of his werewolf figure. The closer she got, the clearer his distinctive physical features were. And now she believes that fate brought them together once again. Even if her mother's words continue to warn her.

      In this world of darkness, you will become somebody's prey. And love will be used against you.

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Author's Note:

This is submitted as an entry to "Then Comes Magic" contest. I hope you'll like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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