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"Can't breathe." I take in a deep breath but it feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. "Still can't breathe!"

"Becca. I know your nervous but you need to calm down." Bradley sighs as we get ready for take off.

"Tell me something I don't know! Gosh you're such a ding dong." I hiss as I check to make sure everything is good in the back.

"Ding dong?" He scoffs. "Wow. Real mature, Bec."

"Can you shut up for a second? I'm trying to focus!" I grip my knees and try to control my breathing.

"Well since you asked so nicely." He mumbles making me roll my eyes.

"Dagger-1. Ready for takeoff and standby." Dad's voice rings though my headset.

"Dagger-4 is ready to take off."

"Dagger-3 is ready to take off."

"Dagger-2 is ready to take off." Bradley says, putting his mask on.

"You sure about that? Cherry Bomb looks like she's about to make a boom boom in the backseat from my end." I look over to Hangman's plane. You can see his stupid grin from here.

"Eat my dust, Bagman!" I spit. Bradley pulls the plane up as we follow the rest of our team.

"All Dagger's are in the air."

"That's a lot of water." I mumble as I look out to the great ocean blue.

"It is an ocean." Bradley says in a matter of fact tone. "There's supposed to be a lot of water."

"You don't say?" I respond back sarcastically. "Did I ever tell you that deep bodies of water are my number one fear?"

"Don't believe you did. What's your second?" He asks.

"Heights..." I mumble.

"...Rebecca you're a fighter pilot." He points out.

I scoff. "I don't want to hear it okay! You're scared of the dark!"

"I told you that in confidence!" Rooster exclaims.

"Bunch of sissies." Bob comments.

"Baby on board." I retort. "Nobody even asked you.."

"We're going under the radar. I'd like to ask you guys to please focus and quit bullying each other and accept the fact that you are all a bunch of losers." Maverick mumbles his last sentence. "Here we are forward enemy territory. 60 seconds to the limit. Ready for attack." Shortly after a few missiles flies past us, it should be heading to the enemy base.

"There is no turning back now." I mumble.

"Daggers, let's move on to offensive formation." Maverick says. We change positions and make a straight line. "The Daggers have been replaced. We are moving towards the goal. It starts at 2 minutes 30 seconds. 3, 2, 1... started."


"The enemy airbase was destroyed. They're all coming now." The enemies change direction towards the target.

"Rooster, where are you?" Maverick asks.

"Come on, Rooster! We have to make up for the time while we can! Let's turn and burn!" Payback says. We're very behind.

𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐃 | BRADLEY 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 BRADSHAW Where stories live. Discover now