Chapter 3

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It was 2 weeks before Harry spent any substantial amount of time with Draco again. He had tried of course, but Draco would both arrive to and leave class early. He wasn't eating in the Great Hall either. It was an accident really, getting Draco alone. Harry had been about to go out on a walk with Felix when he got the feeling that something was wrong. Felix had picked up on it too. The energy in the whole tower was off.

Leaving Felix on his bed, Harry rushed downstairs to find Draco with blood dripping down his face pacing around in a frenzy.

"Malfoy, what happened?!"

"Nothing," he replied through clenched teeth.

"Don't lie to me. You need to calm down, I can feel your magic from upstairs."

"Don't tell me to calm down!," he snapped.

"I'm not your enemy," Harry replied calmly.

He wasn't taking the bait. Draco's next remark was cut off by the sound of conversation approaching, and he froze.

"Come up to my room, I'll take care of you."

When Draco didn't move, Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him up the staircase, just as the portrait opened.

"Be mindful of Felix," Harry warned.

"Is Felix your boyfriend? Who is Felix?," Draco snapped.

"You could say that," Harry replied with a snicker. "Hi baby boy," he cooed, and Draco's scowl was wiped from his face as a fluffy dog approached him.

"This is Felix?"

"Yep. Felix, this is my friend Draco."

Felix approached Draco carefully, nudging his knee with his nose. Draco held out a hand which Felix happily licked.

"Well, aren't you a pretty boy?," Draco said with a smile, immediately grimacing as the pain from his nose spread throughout his face.

Felix noticed immediately and provided Draco comfort.

"Come into the bathroom," Harry called.

As Draco walked in, Felix followed purposefully, his presence helping calm Draco.

"Up on the sink. I'll clean the blood then fix your nose."

Draco was silent, giving all of his attention to Felix who was thriving under the praise.

"This is going to hurt. Episkey!"

At Draco's grunt, Felix jumped up onto Draco, nuzzling his face into his chest.

"I'm okay pretty boy, thank you."

"Glad to help," Harry replied teasingly with a wink.

"Thank you to you too Potter. Really."

"What happened, Malfoy?"

"It was nothing-"

Felix nipped lightly at his hand.

"Your dog is just as persistent as you are."

"Felix is my therapy dog. He's magically bound to me and my magic, and he's very good at his job."

"I didn't even know you had a dog."

"Most people don't. I take him out of here with the cloak. He's very sensitive to other people touching him as he's still young and learning."

"He let me touch him."

"You were in distress and he sensed that. He wanted to help. Let's get you a treat huh?"

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