Just a kiss

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So I am genuinely surprised literally nobody knows this book! It is by far a amazing book with an original plot. So basically Draco's punishment for being a death eater is to spend a year with someone in the ministry who is a muggle, this muggle happens to be Hermione. I love it. The slow build up is amazing and it had me hooked. Some parts I would have changed but really was not that big.

Rating: 9 and 1/2 out of 10

Age rating: 12? Idk.

Author: QueenCelestina

Edit: So I just reread it and turns out it feels more like 7 out of 10 or even a six.   Because it is so slow and then suddenly they just randomly makeup at the end, like slow burn is kinda expected to be an angsty thing where they hate each other but slowly fall in love, But this is just mainly Draco falling in love, Hermione hung up on Ron, and then randomly Hermione is like wait, Draco is hot, and then they like get married or something. So definitely don't know what I was thinking rating it that high.

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