Untitled Part 4

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"Don't you understand how important you two are in Manik and Bulbul's life? Can you tell me why they will suffer because of the problems you both have?" Abhimanyu then turned towards Ram. "Grandpa, you were here. Then why didn't you do anything to bring mom back?"

Ram sat on the couch. "I couldn't win over my son's anger. I didn't have any right to stop Nyonika that time. I couldn't do anything, Abhi."

Shreekant was out of the country due to some reason. That time their business was not doing well. Abhimanyu was a little older than others so he could remember everything. He had always seen his father and uncle handling the business. Sometimes Nyonika also used to help them in the business. Shreekant returned home immediately hearing about the condition of their business and he worked hard to pull the business up.

Three of them worked day and night to stand the business once again. Then they didn't have to look back again. But Nyonika wanted to do something by herself alone beside the family business. Shreekant didn't support the idea. Every day they used to argue on this. In that situation, Abhimanyu had left to go abroad for his studies, then Nyonika too left with Manik and Bulbul.

Manik was standing on the stairs hearing everything. Bulbul was the first one to notice him. She ran to him and hugged him tightly, sobbing slowly. Manik smiled and placed his hand on her head.

Then he moved down and stood in front of Abhimanyu. "You've changed a lot, Abhi bhai."

Manik and Abhimanyu shared a hug. Abhimanyu caressed his head. "My brother has also grown up so much."

Manik smiled looking down in response. "Bhai, I've some work. I'll come back soon and see you in the evening."

Then Manik just left without giving a chance to stop him. Nyonika knew her son very well. He always ran away like this to hide his pains, his feelings. He never showed his emotions to anyone. He always buried them deep into his heart. The boy had built a mountain of complaints against his parents yet he wouldn't say anything. The guard he built around him was too strong for them to move.

Everyone let him go knowing his nature. They didn't force him for anything.

Manik went to the college and called Vihan. "I'm waiting for you in college. Come soon."

"Manik, I've come to visit mom and dad. I'll be late. I'll return maybe in the evening."


Then Manik cut the call. Vihan understood that his mood was off. Manik took his guitar and went to their jam room where Nandini was locked last night. He was playing some tunes on his guitar and humming a song.

At that time, Nandini came there. Last night she had dropped her phone here only, so she had come to look for it. She was about to enter the jam room when her gaze fell on Manik whose back was facing her. She could hear his low voice.

Manik turned his posture a little. Nandini hurriedly moved behind the door not wanting to interrupt him. She noticed a few drops of tear in the corner of his eyes. She wondered seeing a grown-up guy like Manik crying alone silently. Suddenly he stopped and Nandini too came out of her trance.

"May I come in?" Nandini asked with a smile pretending she didn't see anything.

Manik was startled with her sudden voice. He hurriedly rubbed the tear off his face. "You? Here! Come inside."

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