21:00 | just admit it

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PEEWEE IS right. I am way too stupid-excited to see Ace Jones when I pull up to Desert Cove Apartments around 5:30 PM. But it isn't until I'm knocking on his front door that the butterflies betray me, running amuck. Which is also when I realize how pathetic it is to be crushing on a guy whose furthest thought is how I look in my scoop-necked crop and waist-high denim.

He opens the door, looking me up and down with that hormone-teasing smile. "Hey, Devyn."

I step in, immediately swallowed up by his height. I mean, yeah, he's a basketball player, but everything about him just sends ripples of attraction down my 5'5 frame.

I hold out a McDonald's bag. Peewee suggested it on the way, thinking it would be a nice gesture. It's no secret she's trying to be my wingman.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I just got the biggest shit on the menu."

"For real? You spring me outta jail, bring me burgers...I fuckin' owe you my firstborn, girl."

"You could definitely assist him with that too, Devy," Peewee says with a wink, stepping in. She points to the breakfast bar. "At least he hasn't been starving."

I nod at the Poptarts wrappers, closing the door. "I see you're eating well."

Ace spins around, scratching his head with shyness. "What can I say? It's been an uneventful day compared to yesterday. Nothing to do but eat my feelings."

"Poor guy," Peewee says, lightly patting his shoulder.

Ace shudders from the chill of her touch but doesn't realize where it came from.

"We feel you," I say.

"Oh, is Peewee here?" Ace looks around the room.

I nod. "Yeah, she's right next to you. On your right."

He takes a step back. "Oh, uh, hey Peewee." He gives an awkward wave.

"He's fucking adorable, Dev."

"She says 'hey' back," I improvise.


"So." I search my purse, pulling out a disposable mask. "We got you a couple of things to help with your disguise. Covid ain't going nowhere so a lot of people still wear masks. I figured you could too."

He reaches out and takes it. "Yeah, this'll help."

"Also, I got you some non-prescription glasses."

"Yo, those are ugly as fuck," he says.

"Told ya, Dev!" Peewee laughs, delighted.

I hiss at Peewee only to find Ace crookedly grinning back. "Sorry, it's just Peewee agrees with you. But I didn't think they were that hideous."

Ace takes the glasses and puts them on. It doesn't take long before Peewee and I are bending at the waist with giggles.

"Okay, shit. They're horrible. My bad," I concede.

Ace shrugs. "I'd rather look like Old Man Jenkins than a jail escapee."

My laughter comes to a halt. "I'm really nervous about you coming tonight. You sure I can't change your mind?"

"Dev," Peewee sighs. "We've been through this."

"Nope. I'm comin'."

"But what if someone recognizes you?"

A too-casual shrug. "Then I'll make like a ninja and kung fu my way outta there."

I roll my eyes. "Negro, please. You ain't a ninja."

"Try me." He strikes a pose, his hands angled high in the air.

I lift a brow while Peewee mocks him with her own unrefined pose. We stare each other down, neither of us flinching, until suddenly all three of us simultaneously burst into laughter—Peewee the loudest of all.

Ace heads to the kitchen and puts his McDonald's bag in the fridge. Then he makes for the couch and pulls on a hoodie, which appears to be the same one from yesterday. He sports his new non-prescription glasses and tugs the mask over his ears.

"How do I look?" he mumbles.

"Pretty unrecognizable, actually."

"Say no more." He opens the back sliding glass door and steps out, where the light of day slips into the horizon.

Peewee stands beside me. "Will you admit it yet?"


"Ace Jones is fucking fine and you want him all to yourself."

"Stop this."

"Just admit it, Dev!"

"Fine," I snap, turning at her. "I admit it."

A slow smirk. "There. Was that so hard?"

"You comin' or what?" Ace pokes his head back inside. "And admit what?"

My stomach tightens. "Oh, nothing."

Peewee squeals like a victorious deviant the whole walk to the Bug. 

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