11. you bewitched the poor boy

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delilahjones posted in their story

delilahjones posted in their story

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Posted at 1.32 am

Imola, post-race party

Delilah and Florence were having the time of their lives. The music was loud and the alcool was flowing. The three winners of the weekend were dancing on the bar. The ferrari boys were talking with their girlfriends. Lewis was dancing with Kelly. She hated herself for noticing him right away.
She had seen Mick looking at Florence while talking to Pierre and Yuki. Daniel was lost in the crowd.

Delilah nudged her friend and pointed toward the Haas driver. "you bewitched the poor boy". Florence laughed but headed toward the blonde.

Delilah was therefore once again alone. She glanced at her empty drink and decided to go refill it.
"A vodka martini please" she asked the barman.
She was casually sipping her drink when she heard a voice beside her.

"You lost Florence?"
"She's flirting with Mick..." she answered.
Lewis laughed before asking "I thought she liked Daniel?"
"So did I... I thought he liked her too"

She finished her martini and waved to the barman to fill it again before talking again.

"So, why are you not with your girlfriend on the dancefloor ?" he hated this song, she knew that.
"I hate this song"
She tsked "you're gonna spend your entire night on this stool with this mindset."
She was right, he had been sitting at the bar for at least an hour. He shrugged. He would spend his night sat here if she was willing to keep talking to him.

"Are you okay? You've been sitting here all night..." great... now he knew she had been observing him.
"I'm fine" it was quite obviously a lie. Delilah didn't know if she should ask more questions. "I'm not actually" he said again, interrupting her thoughts. "I feel like shit. The car is shit, the race was fucking shit, I'm shit. I don't know what to do. I'm getting older and I feel it's too late for me to keep fighting. I don't want to end my career without one last championship you know? I want people to remember me for what I succeeded in doing. I don't want people to be like 'oh yeah, Hamilton! The guy that was shit after his seventh world championship'... And now I sound like an asshole" he rambled.
Dalila smiled softly and put her hand on his arm. He had missed her touch.
"You're not shit Lewis. People are going to remember you. You changes lots of lives and inspired so many kids to pursue their dreams! You can be disappointed by the race and even by your season if you want, but don't underestimate the impact you have on people. They will remember you victories and all world records you broke and what you stood for and what you inspired."
He looked at her, his eyes thanking her a million time. He would kiss her right now if he could. But Kelly was somewhere and no matter what he felt toward the brunette in front of him he could not act on it. Not until he broke up with his girlfriend.

The song changed. She loved this song and he knew it. He expected her to go dance with her friends but she didn't. Instead, she downed her drink. She was going to need fucking liquid confidence to do what she was about to do.
"Now, stop being so melancholic! Do you wanna dance?"

He smiled and took her hands. She guided them toward a corner of the night club, no need to cause a scene.
Delilah started to move her body to the rhythm of the song. He was fascinated. She smiled and turned around, still dancing. Lewis got closer to her until his hands were on her waist and his front touched her back.

Delilah's mind was empty. The moment he touched her, every alarm in her head stopped. It felt right. Him dancing with her, looking at her, his hands on her. She knew she shouldn't but she was too drunk to care. She turned around and her arms snaked around his neck. Their foreheads were touching and their bodies swayed in sync.
She could feel his breath fanning on her skin. She closed her eyes, moving even closer if possible. His head moved to the crook of her neck while her hands reached his braids. Lewis slowly kissed the tender skin. Delilah inhaled sharply. She hated her body for reacting the way it did. All she wanted to do was to say 'fuck it' and kiss him until oblivion. But even in her drunken definitely turned on state, she knew she couldn't.
Lewis smiled while slowly kissing his way up to her jawline. His fingers tilted her head slightly up and they eyes locked. They had stopped dancing by then and were just lost in each other.

But the music changed and the spell was broken. Reality hit them. She pushed him gently, a sad smile on her face. He looked at her with all the love he had for her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause you anymore problems"
"You never were a problem" but Delilah didn't hear him, the loud music swallowing his words. She left his side, flustered.

"What the Hell was that?"
"Shut up Daniel."

I just realized I won't be able to watch the race in two weeks...
Anyway, we're beginning to see them getting closer and closer! Not sure Kelly will like it though...

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