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The day after

I woke up and didn't know what happened yesterday as I head to the restroom to change for school

I woke up and didn't know what happened yesterday as I head to the restroom to change for school

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"You done y/n we gotta get going" ari says loud from the door

"Yes Ariana" I say as I get out of the restroom

"Well finally" she says as we headed off to school

Skip to lunch

"So y/n who are you gonna go with to the dance" ari says

"Well I think Leo" I said looking at him while he looked a bit confused

"Wait me really come on y/n" he says

"Yes for me please take you know jealous" I smirked

"Okay fine" he says

"Good now what about you Ariana" I said interested

"Well I was thinking possibly chase" she says

"OooooOo nice" I said

"So have you gotten over Malachi yet" as Leo sipped his soda

"I...um...yeah actually kinda" I said

"Girl you need to get over him come on now" ari says disappointed

"It's hard but I'm getting there" I said

"Mhm" Leo says as I punched his shoulder

"Whatever I think I'm done here" as I got up I bumped into someone as some people ooo I turned around it Malachi

"Fuck I'm sorry" I said truly

"Mrs. Lane and Mr barton to the office now" some lady said across the tables loudly enough that everyone was looking

"Well then" Leo says taking a sip of his soda again I rolled my eyes I knew he was right I'm not over him yet completely

As we were walking I thought of an idea

"Wait I got an idea" I said to Malachi as we were alone

"Oh okay" he said as I dragged him to my locker to get something and also to his unlocking his locker

"How did you know my locker combo" Malachi said as paused what I was doing

"Well I just-t knew before" I said as I hears him chuckled

"Okay now let's go to a room where no one goes anymore" I said

"Maybe that one classroom upstairs at the end" he suggested

"Oh yeah okay let's go" I said we made After a long walk around upstairs since it was like a maze

"Damn okay it's dead here okay sit here" I said grabbing a chair and myself a chair we sat then I got out some stuff

"Okay I think this will work" I said putting some liquid into some wipe I had

"Uh could I" I said telling him if I could touch his shirt

"O-h yeah" he said as I started to clean his shirt it felt awkward but it was kinda nice somewhat to be with him

"Damn it I hate this darn stain" I said as I gave up

"Wait I think I have an extra shirt" he said and brings out a shirt

"Oh okay good" I said as I saw him take out his shirt leaving him shirtless which made me close my eyes instantly as I heard him giggle a bit

"Okay I'm done" he says as I opened my eyes he had a shirt we got up

"Well thank you for helping at least and ditching that" he says

"Yeah no problem" I said smiling as he smiled back I then headed out

Sorry I haven't updated school things

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