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Sex / 18+


Feeling his warm breath flick Kai's eyelashes around. The corner of her lips flickered up. Kai stared at his features well, already knowing it like the back of her hand. But each time she looked at him he always got more handsome. A grin always spread on her face as she looked at him.

She rolled out of bed slowly, taking her phone in her hand to see the time. Her eyes fell on the box they dismissed yesterday. Kai shrugged, not caring to open it as it wasn't her's to open.

Kai looked back again at him, getting out of bed to waddle down the hallway, sprinting around on her toes from the cold flooring. Later finding her way into the kitchen ready to cook some breakfast.

"Okay, Culinary class has helped me, so I can totally do this." She chanted, ready to make some good food.


"TYLER!" Kai shouted, rushing down the hallway as the man she called for stumbled out of the room, worry on his face.

The smoke covered slightly. It didn't take too long to see that a pan was on fire with what looked like charcoal on it.

He ran to put it out and did so. Looking over the place, it was pancake batter.

"What were you doing?" He muttered. It was honestly hard to notice what she was doing. Looking like she was getting prepared for war, or was in one.

Batter all over the place, and some water spilled.

"Making breakfast." Kai gave an embarrassing chuckle. He turned to look at her. The pajamas had some white substances. Her hair tangled, showing she didn't even care to brush it at all when she woke up.

"Though now I think about it, I do want pizza." She muttered, looking at the mess.

Tyler laughed, his white teeth showing. "Domino or something? What place?" He asked.

"Oh, um Little Caesars, can we get cheesy bread." She batted her eyes.

He smiled, pressing his warm lips on hers. "Of course, go get cleaned up okay." She nodded, rushing down as fast as she could.

"Can I use your phone?" He asked.

"Sure!" She shouted, from the room. But realized she didn't pack anything at all. Kai peeped out to see him on her phone, calling the place. Looking at the mess in the kitchen.

Kai pouted slightly, going across the hall to the bathroom. She looked at her messy state, realizing she forgot to wash up so he wouldn't have seen her like her. Feeling her self-esteem take a step down was an understatement. That thing dived down.

A sigh fell from her dark lips, as she walked to the mirror to get a closer look at herself. The pores on her face are visible. She had a white crust around her eyes and on her eyelashes. Kai ran the water, resting her glasses on the side to wash her face harshly. Wishing everything that she had should go away if she was harsh enough.

It didn't. Her skin turned slightly red.

"Kai," Tyler called out, knocking on the door. She dried her face, turned off the sink, and opened the door. Facing his somehow perfect face.

He smiled as he saw her. "Brought some clothes." Kai forced a smile for show. Tyler's instantly dropped his.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked coming in, she sighed, eyes wandering away from him.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." She murmured out softly.

Tyler practically felt his heart drop. Seeing her like that broke him. "Kai." He whispered.

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