Chapter Thirteen: Professor Umbridge

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(I am back from my vacation, so time to upload the next chapter. I also realized that since I added an original chapter that makes tis one #13, and given the title I think that's fitting. Enjoy)

Monday was the first day since they had all arrived that he got up at the same time as his dorm-mates. There wasn't usually friendly banter, but sometimes they'd at least say 'morning' to each other, and everyone would mind their business as they got ready, but today everyone but Theo was staring at him as he got changed, he could hear Blaise Zabini sniggering behind his back. It took every once of self restraint to just ignore them and make his way up to breakfast.

As he and Theodore entered the Entrance Hall a line of fourth-year Ravenclaws walked by; they caught sight of Harry and hurried to form a tighter group, as though frightened he might attack stragglers.

Harry tried to push that out of his head as he and Theodore came across a small group of people, including Tracey and Canini, standing around a board were announcements were sometimes posted. Harry went for a closer look and Theodore followed. What everyone was staring at was a large new sign which read:


Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings? Like to earn a little extra gold?

Contact Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor common room, for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs


'We should have known the twins would try perfecting there business once back at Hogwarts,' said Canini.

Harry thought it was kind of brilliant however, 'They're geniuses, by getting kids to test the products they'll spread awareness of their company, as well as if something goes horribly wrong they have the best nurse in the world just upstairs. Though I doubt Madam Pomfrey would appreciate it.'

As they entered the Great Hall, Harry's energetic mood immediately plummeted, once again everyone turned to look at him and he could almost hear the things they were saying behind his back. The enchanted ceiling above them echoed Harry's mood; it was a miserable rain-cloud gray.

'You alright Harry?' asked Tracey?

'Harry is just annoyed by how so many people think he made up You-Know-Who's return,' said Theodore succinctly, when Harry did not respond.

Tracey, whom Harry had expected to react angrily on his behalf, sighed.

'Yeah, me and Allison have been dealing with something similar in our dorm. It's not just Pansy either, Millicent has been bad mouthing you, and Daphne has been oddly quiet.'

'Been having a nice little chat with them about whether or not I'm a lying, attention-seeking prat, have you?' Harry said loudly.

'Of course not,' said Tracey calmly, 'I've been telling them to shut their gossiping mouths shut and trying to prevent Allison from murdering them. Harry, did you really think we didn't have your back. We are with you, no matter what.'

There was a short pause as the group sat down at their table, now joining Allison.

'Sorry,' said Harry in a low voice.

'It's ok Harry,' said Tracey with a half smile. 'I know how hard things have been.'

'We've all been through hard times,' said Theodore. 'And they are going to get more difficult. Dumbledore said last year that You-Know-Whose gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. He said we must show we are stronger through bonds of friendship, but we can't be friends with the school if we are struggling to be friends in our group.'

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