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I'm starting to regret coming here. My vision started to get blurry because of the tears of nervousness. To my surprise, I felt a hand holding mine that tightly gripped the steel. I looked in the direction where the hand came from and I saw Kyle's calm face. I'm just staring at him when I notice that the train stops for a moment, when I look in front of me, it starts to move fast downward.

It is so fast that I can't even open my eyes, I can't hear anything but the wind that wildly rustles my ears and the passengers' deafening screams. I can feel my hair floating and swaying along with the movement of the train. At every turn, my body hits the sides of the train which makes me groan in pain.

It's like someone is hitting me using a baseball bat on my whole body. My body starts to feel numb because of continuous torture and nervousness in me. But there is something along with the screams of the other passengers, a burst of carefree laughter from someone. I don't know who it was but he or she seemed to enjoy the ride.

Drops of cold sweat started to roll down my cheeks. I feel my entire body start to get cold but on my right hand, but my right hand is different. I feel a warm hand holding strong but gentle, I can feel it tapping my hand gently. When I opened my eyes, I saw Kyle's happy face. He points his finger in front of me so I can see what's ahead of me.

After a loop turn, you can see the green trees and the other rides in the amusement park, and also, the happy family enjoying the park. Seeing the view diverted my attention. My fears were replaced by amusement, I can evenly breathe now compared to before. I looked up at the sky that was almost within my reach every time the train went to its peak.

I let go of the steel bars and put them in the air like I'm reaching for the clouds. I hear it again, the laughter that I heard earlier. I turned my head and saw Kyle blissfully laughing, I can't help but to smile and feel satisfied seeing him like this.

After a few moments of continuous throwing and turning, the ride is finally over. When we get down the train, my legs start to wobble, Kyle supports me until we find a seat where we can rest a bit. When we were on the train, I enjoyed how he laughed, but that enjoyment I felt before turned to irritation now. He's not laughing because he does not get over it but because of what I looked like.

My long straight hair becomes messy thanks to the extreme wind from that ride. It looks like I got involved in a girly fight where the wife pulled the mistress's hair when she was caught with her husband. "Ha-ha! Funny," I said sarcastically while he burst into laughter again.

Thank goodness, my stomach is in the right condition. It's not upsetting today but I don't want to be on the rides again. Kyle bought both of us a soda, it can generate energy in no time because of its sugar content.

"That was fun!" he said, smiling widely. "Yeah! It was fun laughing at me," I rolled my eyes at him while I combed my hair. It's full of entangled hair strands that made it hard for me to brush it, especially since my hair length has almost reached my waist.

"Let me help you," he grabs the comb that I'm using and then starts to gently brush my hair. I can feel his hand touching the back of my neck every time he supports my hair with every brush. I'm not easily tickled on my nape but when a stranger's hand touches it, my skin gets sensitive so that my shoulders and my head touch each other. Kyle seems to notice it so he pokes my nape. When I reacted, he gently brushed his fingers on it, which made me even feel ticklish and I can't stop giggling.

"So, you are sensitive over here, huh?" I heard him say in his playful voice. "NO!" I know what he's planning so I stand up and I'm about to run away from him when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to my seat and hugs me from my back.

"You can't escape from me," he warned and he started to brush my nape again and again. A burst of loud laughter escapes from my mouth. I can also hear his chuckles.

"Stop!" I pleaded between my laughter. "Stop it!" but he continues to tickle me. I tried to struggle but my body is too weak from tickling. "Try to please me," he continues to tickle me until his finger and our stomachs get tired from laughing and continue brushing. When I feel that his hug loosens, I push him away from me and sit as far away from him as possible. We are both gasping for air.

"Damn you, Kyle," I cursed him, and he laughed again. I moved to an empty bench next to ours and sat there quietly. "Why are you there? Are you mad?" he asked me, acting concerned. I just rolled my eyes and turned my back to him.

I started to brush my hair again when I felt him approach me. "Sorry, I won't do that again," I heard a creaking sound from the bench indicating that he was seated beside me. I glare at him while I'm brushing my hair.

"Ok, fine! I'll behave," he put his hand in the air like he was surrendering to the police. I moved myself to the corner of the bench and stared at him, watching his every action. He giggled at my reaction and shook his head.

"Wait here," he stands up and walks far away from me. I just continued to brush my hair until I finished it. I'm putting my comb inside my bag when I heard his voice, "Here," he handed me cookies and cream-flavored ice cream in a cup that made my eyes sparkle and my mouth drool.

"Thanks," I excitedly took it from his hand and opened it. I prefer ice creams in cups rather than ice creams in cones, the ice cream in the cone will be messy especially when it melts. I don't want to miss every drop of my ice cream so I enjoy it a lot when it is inside the cup. "Am I forgiven?" I pulled back from my dreamland when I heard him speak again.

"You're forgiven but if that happens again, ice cream can't solve the conflict between us," I said, playfully glaring at him while he chuckled at my comment. He extends his arm and pats my head and enjoys our ice creams in silence while watching the crowd walk past us.

After we finished our ice creams, we proceeded to our next ride. We choose the less extreme ones like the water slide where you're going to sit in a log-like seat and it will slide afterward that make a big splash of water when it's landed. We also try the bump carts that most of the customers are kids and kids at heart and the shooting range with lots of prices available.

Kyle tried it first and won a dolphin stuffed animal, which is my favorite creature, and gave it to me. And I, being me, I can't bear to lose to him, I also tried the game and won an emoji pillow, its tongue is playfully sticking out while winking. We spend the rest of the day playing carnival games, food trips, and playing cellphone games under the big tree.

It's already dawned when we notice the time. We were inside his car when he opened his mouth again. "Is it ok if I take you to a place before I send you home?" he asked me. "Where are we going?" I asked him, wondering where he was taking me at this late hour.

I waited for him to answer me but I only got a grin on his face. I just remained silent and never asked again because I know, that even if I ask him a million times, he will never give me an answer until we reach our destination.

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