Chapter Fourteen

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Cin had changed into something more casual, striding alongside Tamlin—who had adopted the name 'Rustar' for the evening—in her soft pink dress, which had always been one of her favorites.

The off-the-shoulder neckline delicately ruffled over her chest, and the elastic waistband accentuated her figure. She always felt more feminine in that dress, and she thought Remembrance Night with Tamlin would be the perfect occasion to wear it.

As they walked down the barren Avenue, they noticed that everyone had already made their way to the field behind Gaol's house. Approaching the wide alley beside Gaol's house, Rafe stepped into Cin's line of sight. The alley served as an entrance to the large field enclosed by a ring of apple trees, although the apples hadn't been harvested for a long time. Rafe's tall, dark-skinned figure towered over Cin as he spoke, "Cin! Bron has been looking for you."

"He always is," she rolled her eyes at the mention of her brother. "Where is he?"

Rafe's eyes flickered between Cin and Tamlin, a hint of curiosity lingering. He nodded, his dreadlocks falling forward, "Neda's pit, at least for now. We're on a rotation."

"Thanks, Rafe," Cin gratefully patted his shoulder and stepped around him, signaling for Tamlin to follow. Tamlin, having adjusted his height to match hers, was now a foot shorter than Rafe. Cin could sense the battle in Rafe's eyes, torn between asking her about Tamlin and respecting her autonomy. In the end, Rafe let them go without objection. He knew that Cin was her own person, not his property and that crossing that boundary would invite Bron's wrath.

"Is Neda the Chief Elder of Clematis?" Tamlin asked, his voice now lower in tone.

"Not anymore," Cin explained as they meandered through the crowds gathered around the various firepits. "Neda hasn't held that position since Spring stopped having Chief Elders. Since then, she's been more of a nuisance than anything else, always meddling in other people's business and constantly observing what everyone else is doing."

Finding Neda was easy; she had been talking about her spot all week. "The closest thing we have to a Chief Elder, I suppose, would be—"

"I've been looking all over for you." Bron forcefully shoved Mendes and Quiet Jon off the log they had been occupying, causing their bowls of stew to spill. The two men groaned in response and flipped Bron off. Ignoring them, Bron focused on Cin. "Are you planning on walking around?"

"Probably, why?" Cin inquired.

"I'd like to ask Quiet Jon to stay with you then, just to keep an eye on you."

"I'll be fine. I've got Rustar," Cin assured, patting Tamlin's arm. "He might not look it, but he can carry double his body weight."

Bron examined Tamlin skeptically, exhaling sharply through his nose. "I don't even know who this is, Cin. Why should I trust him to look after you?"

"My name's Rustar, Bron. I can assure you that your sister will be well looked after in my care," Tamlin asserted, standing taller. Cin suspected that Tamlin had intentionally made himself appear taller just to stare into Bron's eyes.

"Where are you from? I definitely haven't seen you around here."

"Surfinia," Tamlin effortlessly responded, clasping his hands against his lower back. It appeared normal on Tamlin, but in his new body, it looked awkward.

"Surfinia is sinking," Bron scoffed.

"No, it's not. I think I would know if it was sinking," Tamlin retorted, snapping his head back. It was true, or at least that's what the rumors said. Surfinia was built on almost a hundred small islands, each separated by narrow canals. The winding canals, remarkable architectural structures, and mosaic bridges made it a dreamlike place. Surfinia had once been considered the crown village of the Spring Court, but none of the islands were large enough to accommodate the High Lord and his household without displacing fae and destroying ancestral homes.

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