Chapter 18 - Tunnel Of Leaves

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Taking out five more monkeys was nothing. Just several minutes ago Colt had been struggling to beat even one of them in combat. Now he knew their moves and their style, and had learned to counter it with his own moves. He was taking what the fisherman taught him about sword fighting and actually applying it in a real fight.

Colt mixed attacks, blocks, strikes, dodges, counterattacks, and everything else he knew how to do as he went from monkey to monkey. These ones seemed weaker than the others which, he supposed, made sense as they had been sent to kill the unarmed target.

As the last monkey standing swung his sword at him, Colt ducked underneath it and stuck his foot out. The monkey tripped and was sliced by Colt's sword as he fell. It was a shallow cut, only enough to keep the animal down for a while. Colt was being extra careful now to not kill the animals, especially since he knew he could take them on. It was his belief that they were acting not under their own influence, but that of the Monkey Chief. That deranged man was making them fight for him, against their will. And it made Colt's blood boil.

With all the threats gone, Shelly got to her feet shakily. She looked around at the five monkeys on the ground, then glanced back at the others Colt had taken care of before. She breathed heavily.

"Where did all that come from?" she asked him.

Colt looked around at the clearing they were standing in, in front of the tall, slim monkey trees that were separated from the rest of the forest. Then he looked down at his hands.

"I don't know," he answered honestly.

Shelly hesitated, then looked directly at him. "Thank you," she said softly. She looked like she was about to say something else, but thought better of it.

This took Colt by surprise. The last thing he'd expected her to do was thank him. He was the one who'd gotten them into this mess, after all. Not to mention the fact that she'd hardly spoken to him since she'd figured out that he wasn't actually in the Authority. But he wasn't one to complain.

"You're welcome," he replied.

Shelly nodded, like it was all settled. Then she turned back toward the border of normal trees, where they had emerged into the clearing from earlier. "Well, let's get going. Before the Chief figures out what you did to his Battle Monkeys."

Shelly started off back where they'd come, but Colt hesitated. She must have noticed this, because she turned back toward him. "Colt..."

Colt glanced back at her apologetically. "I can't leave," he said. "Not until I confront the Chief."

Shelly walked back over to him, even though it looked like it pained her to do so. "Look, just because you're able to beat some monkeys in a fight doesn't mean you can take on everyone."

"I know," Colt replied. "But I have to try."

Shelly looked around incredulously. "Why? You're going to put both of us, especially yourself, in danger for your ego? I mean, come on, can't you think about other people for once and just leave all this be?"

"I... I'm not doing this for me," he said. "The monkeys, they're not happy here. They're doing the Chief's will and he punishes them if they try to escape. It's just not right. I have to free them."


"But look," Colt muttered, "I'm going to give you enough time to make it far away from here before I face him, just in case I fail. No one will be in danger, except for maybe me. Okay?"

"Yeah," Shelly said.

She turned around to leave, but then glanced back. Then she came to a full stop and turned toward him again. "No, I changed my mind. That's not okay."

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